Professional sports is a social phenomenon. The world's leading hockey, football and basketball clubs have millions of fans. The best players earn six and seven figures. Is it possible for an average fan to make money on sports?

An affirmative answer to this question is given by advertisements of most bookmakers. But first, a little history.
Sports betting in the pre-internet era
The first bookmaker's office was opened in 1934 by William Hill. Soon, the number of establishments where you could earn money and “cheer” on your favorite team only continued to grow.
With the development of television and live broadcasts, bookmakers began to turn into themed bars where you can chat with friends and have a glass or two of beer. Psychologically, the stake on the team for which you "support" increases the sensations, you wish victory for "your" team with all your heart - after all, you put your hard-earned money on it.
Check out the prediction competition on the KakProsto website. Predict the results of the Sochi Olympics and earn 400,000 rubles.
Home Sports Predictions
With the development of the Internet, the first sites for sports predictions appeared. At first, they were created by already well-known bookmakers in the world: William Hill (England), GameBoo Rers (Holland), Fon (Russia). Their interface was almost no different from the tables in the windows of ordinary offices - it was possible to bet money with the coefficient calculated by the specialists of sports agencies. However, the very fact that it was possible to place bets without leaving home is worth a lot. The calculation is as follows: if you bet on an event with odds "3" and it happened, you get triple bets.
When betting on an event, always choose the best odds offered by the bookmakers. By adhering to this rule, you will earn many times more.
The appearance of the prediction site (literally - "fair bet") became a whole revolution. On this resource, the coefficients are calculated not by experts, but by the users themselves. Moreover, the latter themselves can create events for bets and predictions. Let's say you can bet $ 100 to one that there will be no end of the world tomorrow. Create an event, set the coefficient "100". If someone bets $ 5 and wins, you owe him $ 500.