How To Find Out The Password For Mail

How To Find Out The Password For Mail
How To Find Out The Password For Mail

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Restoring access to e-mail today will not take long. All user actions will take no more than five minutes. In order to restore the lost access to your mailbox, you need to make some efforts.

How to find out the password for mail
How to find out the password for mail


Email address, security question answer


Step 1

Having lost access to his mail account, the user can restore it at any time. To do this, you will need the email address itself, as well as the answer to the secret question, which the user determined at the registration stage.

The "Password recovery" function is currently available in every mail service. In order to use it, you just need to follow the text link, which is usually located next to the user login / registration field. After you use this link, you have to follow these steps.

Step 2

Enter the email address to which you want to recover the password. For this, you will be provided with a special form. When entering the address, make sure to enter exactly the mailbox for which you forgot the password. Click the "Next" button, after which you will be taken to the page for entering the answer to the security question.

Step 3

The answer to the secret question is the phrase or combination of characters that you entered in the appropriate field when registering the mailbox. If you do not remember the answer, it will be somewhat more problematic to recover the password, since some mail services do not provide for the recovery of this value - that is why it is so important to remember the answer to the question.

Step 4

After you enter your answer, you will be taken to your account page, where you will need to assign a new password to it. Some of the mail services that exist today also provide for password recovery through a mobile service - an SMS is sent to the phone number indicated in the account with instructions on how to recover the password, or a new access code.
