Access to the Odnoklassniki social network is closed in many organizations so that employees are not distracted from work. But sometimes it becomes necessary to contact through this site a colleague or companion who has not left any other coordinates. A mobile phone will come to the rescue.

Step 1
Do not try to access the Odnoklassniki website from a work computer using anonymizing proxy servers and other similar services. All such attempts will immediately become known to the system administrator of the organization. Explaining that you only needed access to a social network to communicate with a colleague who did not leave other coordinates may not help.
Step 2
An unlimited tariff for Internet access on your mobile phone is probably already connected. If not, be sure to activate this service - its cost has dropped significantly over the past few years. If you have any difficulties, contact the operator's help desk: MTS - 0890, Beeline - 0611, Megafon - 0500. Make sure that the name of the access point (APN) in your device begins with internet, not wap.
Step 3
It is inconvenient to use the Odnoklassniki website through the built-in browser of the phone. Install one of the third-party programs: UC or Opera Mini, or better, both. Pages will load noticeably faster.
Step 4
The social network Odnoklassniki has two sites designed for mobile devices (see below). On most modern devices, even inexpensive ones, it is better to use the second one. It allows you to type long messages (if there is such an opportunity in the phone), as well as to perform most of the operations available on the Odnoklassniki website designed for a computer. When manually typing the URL on the phone keypad, check if you made any typos. By typing just one letter incorrectly, you can get to a fraudulent site that looks no different from the real one, but is designed to steal passwords.
Step 5
After going to the mobile site, enter your account information and click the "Login" button. You will quickly get used to the minimalist interface - convenient and not slowing down your browser. After talking with a colleague, click on the "Sign out" link, and then on the "Sign out" button. It's time to continue working.