The creators of the VKontakte website have provided for their users the function of limiting the receipt of messages from other users. Using it, you can not receive messages for as long as you want.
Computer with Internet access, registration on the VKontakte website
Step 1
Go to your page on the VKontakte website. On the left side of the avatar (the main photo of your page), find the list of functions. Select "My Settings" from them and click on it with the left mouse button once. After that, a page of all the settings for your account will open in front of you.
Step 2
At the top of the page, among the settings tabs, select "Privacy" (it is the second in a row) and click on it. A large list of settings will appear in front of you. Find the third line "Who can write me private messages". To the left of it, you will see several suggested options if you left-click on the blue line next to this option. Among the options offered, select "Nobody" and click on it once with the left mouse button. In this case, none of the users of the VKontakte social network will be able to write to you.
Step 3
Further, at the bottom of the list, find the "Save" button and click on it once with the left mouse button. The changes you made are saved and you will no longer receive any messages. After that, go to your page, finding on the left side the option "My page".
Step 4
To cancel this action or change your mind - also go to "My Settings", then select "Privacy". From the options offered, you can restrict the writing of messages to you by clicking any of the other options.
Step 5
You can also receive messages on your wall, they are called comments. To restrict this possibility, go to “My Settings”, then to “Privacy” and select the lines “Who can leave posts on my wall” and “Who can comment on my posts” (tenth and eleventh lines, respectively). In the first and second cases, put the option "Only me". Do not forget to save your changes by clicking on the "Save" button at the bottom of the page.