How To Remove A Wall

How To Remove A Wall
How To Remove A Wall

Table of contents:


The wall is an indispensable attribute of an account registered with a social network. At different stages of the development of a particular network, the wall could turn on, turn off, remain accessible only for the records of the author or his friends, and so on. It is currently impossible to disable the wall on the social network, but you can restrict access to it.

How to remove a wall
How to remove a wall


Step 1

In the VKontakte social network, the wall is controlled from the My Settings menu to the right of your photo on the main page. Open the "Privacy" tab in the settings.

Step 2

Set in the columns "Who can see the inscriptions on my wall" and "Who can leave notes on my wall" the option "Only me".

Step 3

On the “FaceBook” social network, the settings for accessing wall comments are located in the “Accoun” - “Privacy Settings” menu. You cannot turn off the wall, but you can prevent other users from commenting on your posts.

Step 4

In other social networks, wall control is located in similar menu items ("Settings" - "Privacy settings") and sometimes allows you to completely turn off the wall.
