When you happen to find some useful information on the Internet, you often need to remember it. Having memorized the site, you can constantly refer to it. It's better to make the site remember your computer though. That is, you need to save the site page on your computer. Then she will always be at hand. This operation is called "Save Web Page".

Step 1
Since there is no way to describe this process for several of the most popular browsers due to the limited information framework, we will focus on the Mozilla Firefox browser. Go to the menu on the item "File". After the menu opens, left-click on the item named "Save As".
Step 2
A window will appear, in it you need to select the place where you would like to save this page of the site. Let's say you decide to save the page somewhere on the local disk D. Find the desired local disk in this window. To do this, click on the "My Computer" picture on the left. Inside the window, open the local drive D.
Step 3
Now you will be able to create a new folder there and open it. After opening the required space on your hard disk in this small window, pay attention to the field called "File name", which should contain the name that the computer offers you to give to the saved page. If the name is unacceptable, just type a different name in the text box. But you don't need to change anything.
Step 4
It is also necessary to pay attention to the "File type" field. It should display the "Entire Web Page". If another item is selected, open the drop-down list by clicking the left mouse button and select the above item.
Step 5
Click on the "Save" button. A small "Downloads" window will open. In this window, right-click on the file you just saved and select "Open folder containing object". A folder will open in which you will find the saved page you are looking for.