Remember Me is a third person action fighting game. The game was released in 2011 and was originally called ADRIFT. In order to complete this game, you need to know about some of its features.

Features of the
Remember game is a whole set of different 3D corridors, where there are many doors, an entrance code and other elements of a corridor shooter. And these corridors are from time to time separated from each other by cutscenes and battle arenas.
What is important, the game is completely scripted, that is, all the elements that you need to jump to, which you need to shoot and which you can open are highlighted here. And this is good, comfortable, and it comes in handy if you need to go through Remember me.
Economy and gathering
Remember Me 2 and 1 economics and walkthrough are incompatible versions, so there is no economics here. This means that there is no need to buy or sell anything here. You can only collect items. And here they are presented in several varieties:
- Memories of Paris. In the remmba mi, memories of Paris are represented by sets of records about the history of this beautiful city in 2084. It is also a history of events, basic information about places and inhabitants;
- Sat plaster. This item in remember me 2 allows you to increase the number of lives. In order to add one more cell to the existing ones, it is necessary to collect 5 such sat-plasters. The plus to the passage is that they can be found using the screens of memories left by the terrorists;
- Focus enhancer. This element allows you to increase the amount of charge of skills. You can find the focus booster on the errorist screen. As with sat patch, 5 amplifiers add one cell;
- Scara beetle. He needs to be shot with a spammer, and in return you can get OPP, or procedural memory points. These glasses reveal already forgotten tricks.
In this case, all objects can be both visible and hidden in corridor branches that are invisible to the user.
Riddles and puzzles
There are such things in the game as logic puzzles, codes and puzzles. They are left by the main mystery man - the head of the Saber Service. Encodings are located in several locations:
- 2058-The first is the second-2, the temperature level of freezing of water is 0, the spider has 9 legs, five senses;
- Child is to love, to love. Woman - turns away from the child and listens to the man. The man admires the woman and protects the child.
These are the basic puzzles and how to solve them for Remember Me 2.
Memory editor
Periodically, in order to complete the game and progress through the storyline, you will have to edit the memory of the game characters. This is necessary in order to view the plot and work with key points.
In order to edit the memory of the main character's mother, you need to remove the glass holder, get the bag, activate James and break the glass.
To edit the memory of the protagonist's father, you need to remove the glass holder, unfasten the safety belt, break the glass. After that, you need to turn on the robot and pull out the cigarette lighter.