According to statistics, only about 4% of sites on the Russian Internet have traffic from 1000 hosts per day. Of course, every site builder wants his project to be successful. How to make your site like that?

Step 1
Make a quality design. If you are not good at layout or graphics, you better order a design. There is nothing worse than crooked website pages with an incomprehensible interface. Atmosphere and convenience are important indicators of a successful website. After all, what's the point of promoting the project and looking for new visitors for it if they don't want to stay with you?
Step 2
Publish your own texts. What does good writing mean? First of all, this text is unique. It would seem, what is it about posting articles already available on the Internet and honestly indicating the authors? In fact, the more author's content on your site, the more search engines “respect” it and the users appreciate it. After all, you yourself have probably come across a situation more than once when you needed to find something, but in the search you stubbornly came across the same article.
Step 3
Make your site interesting. The texts should be easy to read and really useful to people. Nobody will like dry, boring information. If you are left out of words, hire copywriters. Be sure to explain the task: the texts should not be selling, but vividly written. In addition, do not be lazy to provide articles with colorful illustrations. You can get them in photo banks. They can be both paid and free. Both the time and money spent on good photos will pay off: after all, with images, articles are perceived much better.
Step 4
Update your site regularly. There is nothing sadder than seeing a beautiful, interesting resource, the last article on which is dated last or the year before last. The user immediately gets the feeling that all the information presented on the site is irrelevant. If, due to the specifics of the topic of your project, you cannot publish texts often, write the site news.
Step 5
Create a forum and enable the ability to comment on content. When users are able to express their opinion and wait for an answer to it, your site will interest them even more. And when on the forum someone can find new friends on the Internet, your project will become completely loved. But nothing demonstrates the success of the site more than satisfied users.