Instagram is a mobile social network for posting photos. These can be various pictures showing types of nature, interesting places; photos describing your business can also be posted on this social network.
However, regardless of the material contained on the page, it will be useless if no one is interested in it. Therefore, the page must be promoted “to the masses” in order to get free followers on Instagram and grateful viewers of your artistic creations. Before promotion, you need to carry out a preparatory stage - prepare the page for promotion.

your nickname
If you want the page to be in the top of search engines, you need to take care of coming up with a beautiful and speaking nickname - one, maximum, two words that will immediately tell people about whose profile is in front of them and what can be found there. This is half the answer to the question of how to earn a lot of followers on Instagram. Your nickname must meet the following requirements:
- Brevity
- Memorability
- Pronunciation
The first and second points are interrelated: the more succinct the name, the easier it is to remember. As for the third - pronounceability - try to say your own nickname yourself. It turns out? Easily? Do you think such a name can become a household name, like “VK”, “Facebook”, etc.? If your page is found in search engines, and its name is easy to pronounce, then only due to this factor people will come to you again and again, and - which is important - bring their friends, colleagues and acquaintances.
Page header design
Since Instagram is a social network of photos, in order to get a lot of followers on Instagram, it is very important to design a header beautifully and with high quality.
Beauty is what the user sees. The photo should literally please the eye. There should be no annoying color effects, graphic noise and other artifacts.
Quality here means the most complete occurrence of objects in the picture. For example, if you show a part of your office on a header, show it in full.
It is very important to make a complete and reliable description of the page. Include in it brief information about your business or about you personally (if the page is personal). You can provide the following data:
- Name and surname (or company name in the case of a business representation)
- Mobile phone (Viber, Whatsapp)
- A brief description of the business (or type of activity in the case of a private page)
If you write a high-quality description for your profile, it will be easier for people to understand what you are doing, and it will be easier for you to get followers on Instagram.
Don't neglect hashtags
Hash tags are a set of characters preceded by a “#” sign. For example: #MyCompany, #vk, #facebook, # img1, etc. They are a kind of interlinking between posts. Several photos can have the same hashtag. If the user finds the corresponding link on the Internet, he will also find your photo. If the hashtag is popular, then you can easily make a lot of followers on Instagram just by using it.
Hashtags can backfire if misused. Use only those that make sense in relation to this photo.
Content on the page
These are, in fact, all those photos that the user will see. And here one very important rule applies: before you start promoting your account, the page must be filled to the maximum. If you decide to promote an empty account, then, most likely, you will come across the fact that no one will visit the page - it will simply be uninteresting.
Instagram content is very important, and not only in terms of page content. The content itself should be interesting and exciting.
So, in order to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram, you need to carry out a number of measures to prepare your account even before you start promoting it. A high-quality header, page description, its name and, most importantly, content - this is the basis that will subsequently allow you to get followers on Instagram.