It's no secret that licensed copies of software are more expensive than pirated versions. Unfortunately, many people prefer the second option, since it is more profitable, but they do not understand what they are rejecting.

Many personal computer users prefer to use pirated software, arguing that it is much cheaper. In fact, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, since pirated products, unlike licensed ones, have a number of not very good nuances.
Disadvantages of pirated versions
First, it should be said that if you do not purchase licensed copies of games or software, but, for example, download them from a torrent tracker, then you risk your computer. This is due to the fact that most of the files on such resources contain malicious software that can damage even your personal computer. Of course, this is the most extreme measure, but you can also lose some data, an attacker can transfer your confidential information to others, or simply the performance of your PC will decrease several times.
Secondly, non-licensed software often causes various conflicts with the software installed on your computer. As a result, deciding to save on one thing, you will lose several programs at once.
Thirdly, from the legal point of view, a user using pirated software violates the law. For example, the Code of the Russian Federation states that violation of copyright and related rights, to which a pirated copy of a particular software belongs, entails the imposition of a fine. For ordinary citizens, the amount of the fine is from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles. It is unlikely that this amount will be cheaper than buying a licensed copy of the product.
Advantages of licensed software
Licensed versions of the software have a number of positive advantages, among which it is worth noting that the manufacturer guarantees the quality of the products. This means that there will be no malware on the disk, and it will be readable on any computer whose system requirements are suitable. In addition, the user gets the opportunity to use the manufacturer's support for free and quickly (primarily related to technical aspects). The indisputable advantage of a licensed copy, for example, of a game, is that the user gets the opportunity to play it online with friends. Most pirated versions cannot boast of such an "achievement".