Minecraft is one of the most popular computer games. Owning a licensed version of Minecraft deprives the gamer of many of the problems associated with setting up and localizing the game.

Java pre-installation
The Minecraft game is one of the few popular games written in the Java web programming language. This means that in order to work with Minecraft, you need (and it is enough) to install the Java event processing environment on your computer. You can download a Java machine for free on the official website. After installing the processing environment, you can proceed to the installation of licensed Minecraft.
Licensed versions
On the official website of the game Minecraft.net you can download a free demo version. It lacks a number of advanced modes, no online presets. Nevertheless, novice players can appreciate the free version of Minecraft.
You can pay for the extended version with plastic cards Visa / Master Card or using electronic payment systems Google Wallet / Pay Pal. Its cost is $ 20.
Plugins and mods
Installing plugins and mods allows you to significantly expand the functionality of the game, add variety to the gameplay, and complete levels faster. So, the "tomahawk" mod helps to kill monsters (ax-boomerang), and the "transformer" enhances the energy system of the virtual creations of the gamer. The plugins themselves can be found on the dedicated Minecraft-mods portal (see Resources for a link).
Minecraft customization
Any licensed version of Minecraft allows you to play both on local networks and on the main server on the Internet. Hamachi tool is designed to create virtual local area networks. After installing and communicating with the main Minecraft.net server, Hamachi gives the player's computer a "virtual" IP address. Using the virtual network created in Hamachi, you can create servers with your own rules and invite other players to play together. You can do this by finding players in the popular gaming community TMZ.
Pay and Play Servers
Building and administering a popular game server is not easy work. Owners of Minecraft game projects, numbering hundreds and thousands of online players, have spent hundreds of "man-hours" on promotion, debugging and routine processes. Unsurprisingly, it costs money to play on such servers. Note that only licensed Minecraft is used on the servers - otherwise the projects would be closed.
Servers Minecraft2000, Revived-Craft for a modest monthly fee offer access to unique Minecraft architecture (castles, skyscrapers, medieval cities, pyramids, ships). Also, for an additional fee, the player can buy premium features: "god" mode, "immortality" or flights (fly). Many players in pay-and-play servers are attracted by the ability to play one-on-one (PvP).