Naruto. Hurricane Chronicles”is a popular anime series produced in Japan. The number of his episodes is already approaching 300, and the number of fans is in the millions. The cartoon can be viewed on various Internet sites.

Go to the site Here you can watch all episodes of the first and second seasons of “Naruto. Hurricane Chronicles ". The site also contains a timetable for the release of the latest, fresh anime episodes, and the 270th episode ("Golden Ties"), released on July 19, 2012, is already available for viewing.
Visit the website Here you can not only see all the released episodes of the first and second seasons of the animated series, but also get acquainted with the history of its creation, with the authors who came up with the popular hero. In addition, the resource contains a brief description of each anime series, which will help you better navigate what you have already seen and what has not. The site has interesting articles about each character in the animated series, as well as a collection of anime pictures and information about other works in this genre.
Open the resource. Here you can watch online all episodes of the anime series “Naruto. Hurricane Chronicles . In addition, the site contains many more animated series of a similar genre for fans of Japanese anime.
On the site a list of the series "Naruto. Hurricane Chronicles”is presented in a rather convenient format, according to the seasons. 268 episodes from thirteen seasons are available for viewing. In addition, here you can watch the funny mini-series "Chibi Naruto Spring of Youth Rock Lee". The site also has the opportunity to watch the full-length films about Naruto that have been released so far.
Pay attention to the resource It presents all the series of Japanese anime about Naruto, and you can not only watch them online, but also download them to your computer. The site also has a voting service for the cartoon you like, where you can leave your comment about any episode.