How To Make A Timer In Minecraft?

How To Make A Timer In Minecraft?
How To Make A Timer In Minecraft?

One of the most interesting activities for themselves in Minecraft, many fans of this game esteem the creation of all kinds of mechanisms and schemes. In such endeavors, usually it is not possible to do without the use of red stone, as well as devices based on it. For example, in some cases the circuit will need a timer.

In Minecraft, a timer is much more important than a simple clock mechanism
In Minecraft, a timer is much more important than a simple clock mechanism

Timer in redstone mechanisms in minecraft

It is worth saying that when Minecraft was born, in the world of computer games there were already many similar "sandboxes" (for example, terraria). However, it quickly took its own niche and was loved by many gamers more than some of its counterparts. One of the reasons for this state of affairs was probably just the ability to construct various mechanisms in this "miner's" game.

In any of the schemes created by the players, the redstone plays a special role - in the form of red torches or dust. The latter here performs the function of wires connecting the parts of the mechanism. There is also a redstone in the timer.

They can consist of different elements, but often, where a delay of the redstone signal (redstone) is required, players set a timer. This term covers a whole group of devices, and not all of them will look like clocks.

The simplest version of a timer - a clock generator - is a chain of at least three (otherwise everything will burn out) inverters. The latter are also called NOT gates and are devices that return signals that are the opposite of what they received through the redstone wires.

However, much more often players construct timers from repeaters (or combine them with inverters). Such schemes have many disadvantages, but in their intended purpose they often turn out to be "one-time" - for example, they serve to activate dynamite in simple traps.

Repeaters (also called repeaters in the English manner) are made of three stone blocks, which are located in the lower horizontal row of the workbench. A unit of redstone dust is placed in its central slot, and two red torches on the sides of it.

Creating a timer with repeaters for one-time use is quite simple. To do this, you need to put a certain number of repeaters on the ground or on the floor in a row, and along it - almost the same, but so that there are one fewer devices in it. On this empty square, you need to place redstone dust and draw a path from it to the side, and install a lever at the end of this wire.

To the longer row of repeaters on the opposite short side, you should also pour redstone, to the other end of which you connect dynamite. When the trigger is pressed, after a while an explosion will be heard (in a few seconds, for which it lingers, the "miner" who created such a device will have time to run away).

How to make a regular timer

However, if you want to build something similar to a clock counting seconds, you need to act a little differently. For the most basic device of this type (showing numbers from zero to nine), you will need a lot of red torches, repeaters and redstone dust, any solid blocks and 21 sticky pistons.

First, a wall should be erected eleven blocks high, two thick and seven wide. Make through holes in it in the form of an open figure eight (similar to the one visible on the electronic clock display) so that each of the “strokes” in it is three blocks in size (there are seven such groups in total). Insert all sticky pistons into these holes on the second layer of the wall.

Timers can function permanently - if their circuits are designed so that they work automatically. However, sometimes they "freeze" when the world is restarted or when players are more than ten chunks away from them.

On the back of the wall, connect all groups of pistons to each other with redstone wires. Then attach three repeaters to each horizontal line of the figure eight, and one to the vertical rows. Bring red dust to each repeater.

From the rear of the future timer - a little further from it and parallel to it - lay out ten lines of seventeen solid blocks in each. The distance between them should be two cubes. On each of the rows, only on one side (for all the same) it is necessary to set seven torches, retreating two blocks from the edges of the lines and taking a step in one block. Connect this whole structure with a snake, delivering solid blocks.

Now you should draw on top of the redstone line, retreating two blocks at the beginning of each new turn of the resulting figure and ignoring its short sides (but at the same time you need to put "points" of red stone in the corners). After that, pour redstone dust only under the torches.

Along the lines - on the side opposite from the red lamps - place repeaters. By the way, it is better to set all repeaters in this design to the maximum delay (especially if the computer is not very powerful).

It remains only to draw rows of redstone dust across the snake (but only along the ground, without pouring anything on its constituent blocks), connecting the torches installed on its walls. The resulting seven tracks are connected to each side of the figure eight of the timer (in this case, a number of repeaters must be installed on one of the sections of the circuit).

From the opposite end of the snake, put a block with a button a little further away, leading a redstone wire to it. Close the holes in the timer display - where the sticky pistons are - with solid blocks in one layer flush with the wall. When the device is turned on, the numbers will start flashing.
