How To Use VK And Be Offline From A Computer

How To Use VK And Be Offline From A Computer
How To Use VK And Be Offline From A Computer

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For several years now, some users of the popular Russian social network VKontakte have been worried about their privacy, since the site always displays whether a person is online or not. Nevertheless, there are ways to sit in VK and be offline from a computer, while remaining incognito for everyone.

Learn how to browse VK and be offline from a computer
Learn how to browse VK and be offline from a computer


Step 1

Currently, there are several special programs and sites with which you can log into VK invisible from a computer and be offline. One of the most famous free applications is VKLife, which can be downloaded from the official website and installed on your hard drive. It has various features to make it easier to use social media, including stealth mode. Users can communicate with each other, listen to music and perform other actions without indicating that they are currently online.

Step 2

A little-known, but very useful site in terms of privacy - This is a lightweight and significantly improved version of a social network by specialists through which you can sit in VK and be offline from a computer. Just log into your profile through the site and calmly use all the features of the social network: other users will only see the time of your last access to your profile from the official page.

Step 3

Be careful when choosing other and especially little-known services that offer to log into VKontakte invisibly from a computer. Some of them have only one goal - to take possession of your username and password, gaining full access to personal data. Always read reviews from other users on the Internet. You can also look at applications for smartphones, which are also abundant on various mobile platforms.

Step 4

There is another way to sit in VK and be offline from a computer. It is enough to go to your page and not take any action on it for 15 minutes. After this time, other users will no longer see the inscription "online" on your page, instead of which the time of your visit will be displayed. At the same time, it will be possible to monitor who of the users is on the network and receive messages. According to some people, this method does not always work, so you should ask some of your friends what happens on your page when 15 minutes of your stay on it expire.

Step 5

If you are tired of annoying messages and attention of other users, you can simply restrict access to the page by making it closed to all visitors or certain people. This function is available in the privacy settings of the profile. After that, unwanted persons will no longer see any information on your page other than a photo.
