Millions of articles appear on the Internet every day, but in order for search engines to find the text and correctly issue it to the requests of visitors, it must be unique. There are several ways to check for uniqueness.

Step 1
Unique and interesting texts for the site attract the audience, make the site more visited and help it to be in high positions in the search engine results. Therefore, it is so important to fill the site with unique articles, and it is better to forget about full copying from other resources. If you made some description for a product or event yourself, most likely, it will be completely unique. But even in this case, it is better to check it. It is even more worth doing this if the text for the site is bought on some exchange or ordered from a copywriter. Non-unique options are rarely found on sale, but extra vigilance will not hurt.
Step 2
It is best to check text for uniqueness using well-established services. One such popular verification system is the Advego Plagiatus. You will not be able to use it on the site, you will have to download the program, although it always works online. The principle of operation of Advego Plagiatus is quite simple: an article is transferred to the program window, the "Check uniqueness" button is pressed, and then Advego searches the Internet for matches.
Step 3
Advego Plagiatus shows the uniqueness of the text in percentage terms, highlighting non-unique areas in yellow. The indicator is measured from 0 to 100%. The preferred check value is any percentage between 85% and 100%. If the description contains sentences that coincide with other sources, you need to rewrite them and then re-check the document. In the program, you can set up a step, the so-called shingle, through which phrases and phrases will be checked for matches with other sources. Below the verification window, you can see the sites on which the program found non-unique sentences from your text.
Step 4
A similar service is called A deeper and more accurate verification system is noticeable here than that of the Advego Plagiatus. Many copywriters have been using this system lately. The program will highlight non-unique areas and highlight them for the user. Its advantages are also that the program does not need to be downloaded, the entire check is easy to carry out online. The disadvantages of this system can be called a great congestion of the site during the working day and a long queue, in which you have to wait a long time for articles to be checked.
Step 5
There are many other similar programs, for example, eTXT.tu, Content-watch. They are also used with great regularity, and the principle of operation of such services is similar to other verification programs. There is one more simple way to check the uniqueness of the text online - to take one sentence from the source and put it in the line of the search engine. If there are complete matches for this sentence, the text is not unique. However, this method of verification is not always accurate and is best suited for literary works, since commercial articles must be checked in their entirety.