One of the most important conditions for ranking any search engine is the presence of unique content on the site. Content is the textual part of the site: news, articles, comments. There are many ways to check the uniqueness of a text using various programs or online services.

Step 1
The easiest and most effective way to check the uniqueness of an article is to split it into fragments and insert it into search engines. If the article is not unique, the search engine will show a link to its original or links to texts with similar phrases. A piece of text to be inserted into a search engine should not exceed 300 characters with spaces, so this is not a very convenient way. Also, this method will not help you find out the percentage of uniqueness, which is often very important. After all, if the article is changed quite a bit, the search engine may not find it; nevertheless, when checking for uniqueness, the result can be very low.
Step 2
There are several online services on the Internet for checking the uniqueness of articles. For English-language articles, use the site, for Russian speakers - there is an excellent service The latter has one drawback - you can only check ten articles for free. It only works with Internet pages, so if your article is in a regular doc file, then make a simple html page with text and upload it to your host. On the site, indicate the address of this page, and he will check the uniqueness of the article
Step 3
To check the uniqueness of articles on the Internet, you can also use the services (10 free articles per day),,, It is also possible to use other services: for example, a web archive, which contains all published texts. But remember that only those texts that were published at least six months ago are included in the archive. As a rule, all services for checking the uniqueness of articles show the percentage of uniqueness and indicate links to the originals
Step 4
There are special programs for checking the uniqueness of content. One of the most famous and popular is Advego Plagiatus, a program that searches the Internet for partial or complete copies of a document. This program will show the percentage of text matches, its sources. Download a free program from the official websit
Step 5
A good program for checking uniqueness is Etxt Antiplagiat. She can check for uniqueness all pages of one site. The program allows you to batch scan from a folder. It is also free, you can download it from the website There is also an online service based on this program. Also use programs such as DCFinder or Praide to check for uniqueness.