Zeekwards once specialized in the so-called Scandinavian auctions. Also with its help it was possible to earn by advertising it. Today the project is closed, and all of its pages have been turned into blanks with banners.

Step 1
In a classic auction, all participants place bids, but the one who offered the highest price for it pays and receives the lot. In a Scandinavian auction, everyone pays. But all the same, only one participant gets the goods - the one who made the last bid. Such an auction is more like a lottery. The cost of the goods is distributed among the participants, so the deal turns out to be profitable for the winner, and unprofitable for the rest. Like any other gambling, Scandinavian auctions can cause gambling addiction - gambling addiction. In some countries, they are legally equated to auctions, in others - to lotteries. In Russia, their legal status has not been determined.
Step 2
In the past, Zeekwards has been one of the major venues for such auctions. While some of its visitors competed for prizes, others were engaged in its promotion. By registering as an advertiser, one could choose one of four tariff plans, of which only the first, the basic one, did not require an initial investment. And then it was necessary to fulfill the requirements of the owners of the resource. The participant was provided with ready-made texts for posting on numerous virtual message boards. It was required to post them there and report. Completed - get rewarded.
Step 3
But the portal did not last long. The advertisers, finding that the income generated in this way was not so great, left the project. Disappointed in him, losing over and over again, and the participants in the auctions. The site's management was forced to cease its existence in its original form. But he was given a second life in a new capacity.
Step 4
How does Ziquards work now? As well as thousands of other sites, the URLs of which are made similar to the URLs of popular major portals, but slightly different. Here you made a typo by entering the address of a well-known portal and ended up on a fake site. Here, the entire page consists of some links and banners. Clicking on one link - went to another page, which differs in a set of links and sometimes design. But the essence is the same, and you can endlessly walk through the pages of such a site. There is no more benefit from this than from pouring from empty to empty. Clicked on another link or banner - went to the advertised resource.
Step 5
This way of generating income turned out to be more profitable for Zeekwards owners than holding Scandinavian auctions, in essence of which many have figured out. But the domain zeekwards.com, despite this, is up for sale. This is stated in the notice at the top of each of its pages. The domain will probably not be bought soon, because for this it is necessary to make an international call to the United States …