How To Cook Boletus

How To Cook Boletus
How To Cook Boletus

Table of contents:


Butter mushrooms are delicious mushrooms. They love to grow in coniferous forests, preferring sunny, well-warmed places. Often they can be found even on forest paths, especially where there are sandy soils. You can cook almost anything from them: fry, boil mushroom soup … They can be prepared for the winter if they are dried, salted or pickled. Butterlets are tasty on their own; both the cap and the leg are edible. In a word, these are universal mushrooms. But they have some peculiarities that need to be taken into account.

How to cook boletus
How to cook boletus

It is necessary

  • boletus,
  • knife,
  • pan,
  • water,
  • frying pan,
  • vegetable oil,
  • onion.


Step 1

When collecting oil, it must be borne in mind that these mushrooms are very often wormy. Try not to take wormy and overgrown mushrooms. Collect butterflies of medium size, strong and clean.

Step 2

Peel the mushrooms. When processing oil, this is of particular importance, since the cap is covered with an adhesive film to which dry leaves and other dirt adhere. The caps of young butterflies are completely covered with a film underneath. The adhesive tape must be removed completely. If the mushrooms are boiled together with the film, they will become bitter, and the film itself will harden. In addition, adhering dirt will be impossible to clean. When cleaning, the knife must be periodically washed, since the film adheres to it very well.

Step 3

Wash the mushrooms. To do this, put them in a colander and rinse under running water, stirring occasionally. This removes debris and mucus.

Step 4

Chop the mushrooms. The smaller the pieces are, the better they will be absorbed by the body. Cut the butter into thin slices or cubes on a cutting board with a sharp knife.

Step 5

Pour mushrooms with water in a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. If you have only butter oil in your saucepan, it is enough to boil them in boiling water for 15 minutes. During the cooking process, foam forms, which must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon. At the end of cooking, drain the liquid, and rinse the mushrooms again in a colander under running cold water.

Step 6

Preheat the skillet. Pour vegetable oil there. Chop onion crayons and fry them in oil until golden brown. Put butter oil in a skillet and fry them until they begin to thicken noticeably (this removes excess moisture from them). At this moment, the butter must be salted and mixed again. Butterlets can be served with sour cream, fried potatoes (European style) or fried meat (Siberian style).