It is easier to memorize a short number than a standard ten-digit number. In addition, it is much more convenient to hide information about their owner with the help of a few numbers, because if you have an operator prefix, it is easy to understand who the service provider is. And most cellular users have their own preferences …

Step 1
Before sending SMS to short numbers, check their cost. Fraudsters often use the naivete of citizens very much, promising a free service, then they charge 300-600 rubles for one message, or even more. In reality, you will have to pay for such a message anyway, but bona fide companies using the service always announce the price. Attackers, on the other hand, catch potential victims by offering to find out information for free via SMS.
Step 2
The payment for messages is due to the cost of using the service - the minimum amount of monthly maintenance of a four-digit number starts from 10 thousand rubles, the connection will cost several thousand, and blocking is even more expensive. Therefore, if you want to send SMS via the Internet, and even for free, then you are unlikely to succeed. In any case, there are no legal programs and services that allow you not only to send a message, but also to receive an answer to it.
Step 3
A message to a short number is sent according to a similar scheme as the usual SMS, only in the recipient field you specify a smaller number of digits. If nothing comes out, contact the operator. Perhaps the message center is not set in the phone settings, or the service of blocking SMS sending to short numbers is activated.
Step 4
When using some tariff plans, operators do not write off clients' funds in the negative, but it is still better to inquire about the cost of the service in advance. This can be done on the following sites: -;-;-;- /. Since the number of short numbers is limited, the same combination of numbers can belong to different subscribers. In this case, messages are sorted by a code, which is often required to be indicated in the text of the letter, for example, "send A to the number …". Therefore, services can sometimes give inaccurate information.