How To Remove Users

How To Remove Users
How To Remove Users

Table of contents:


As the owner or administrator of a site, you can delete users registered on it. All actions to delete user accounts do not take much time - convenient navigation in the admin panel allows you to delete a specific user in a matter of seconds.

You can delete a user as an administrator
You can delete a user as an administrator

It is necessary

Computer, Internet access, administrator rights on the site


Step 1

You cannot delete a user if you are not authorized on the resource with administrator rights. This can be done in two ways: through the standard login form for registered users, and also through the url of the administrative panel. In both cases, you will have to enter your username and password in the specially provided authorization fields. After you enter the site with administrator rights, you need to follow these steps.

Step 2

Go to the admin panel, find the link to the "Users" section in it. Here you need to select a specific person, then tick his nickname. At the top of the list, you will see the possible actions with the marked users. Check the "Delete" option and click "OK".

Step 3

You can also delete a specific user without visiting the administrative panel (this method is provided by some CMS). To do this, just log in to the site and go to the section with users registered on the resource. Considering the moment that you are authorized with administrator rights, in the list of users opposite each of them there will be an empty field in which you must put a check. Mark the nicknames of those users whom you want to delete, then select the appropriate action at the top of the list. In addition to deleting, you can also ban a person on your resource for life, or give him a temporary ban.
