External links on a site diminish its relevance in the eyes of the search engine, as they distribute the weight. Often, the webmaster does not even know that several foreign codes may be located on his site. Therefore, it is recommended to check for external links at least once every few months.

Step 1
There are several ways to get unplanned inbound links. The first is exploiting bugs in your CMS. An attacker simply finds holes and uses them to fill in the necessary code. The second is the already posted links. Let's say you downloaded a template, and it already had links to the authors. The third is various kinds of comments, entries in guest books, and so on.
Step 2
Review all the code manually. Perhaps this is the most clumsy, but reliable method. It can take a lot of your time, but you can track down all possible threats. However, this method will not work if you have a static site consisting of many separate html pages. In this case, all actions will take you at least several months.
Step 3
If you use a CMS or at least just a php template, then the task is much easier. Just take a close look at the codes of the main pages: main, one post, footer, header, and so on. Typically, a site contains about 10-20 leading pages. For example, in Wordpress they can be found in the wp-content / themes folder. You can check them both in the editor and in a regular notepad.
Step 4
Look in your code primarily for regular link elements ("a href"). This code is most often used by attackers. However, there are also more smart scammers who encrypt links using php code. As a rule, if you remove it, then the entire site can fail. In this case, you need to find a decryptor. Base64_decoder is used 99% of the time.
Step 5
Use a special script to find backlinks. The most popular option is Al-Bolit, which can be downloaded for free on the Internet. Upload this script to the root folder of your site and run it using a web browser. It will allow you to find absolutely all unnecessary links, as well as malicious codes, unprotected files and redirects.
Step 6
Use special services that look for backlinks on the resource pages. Their accuracy is not always indicative, however, as a supplement, they may well fit. As a rule, such services simply scan the html code of all pages of the site, find links to other domains in them and display them to the user.
Step 7
Use ready-made solutions for your CMS. There are a huge number of plugins that can solve this problem. For WordPress, for example, this is the TAC plugin. Other engines may have different names.