Most likely, there is no webmaster who would not dream of having his site popular, attractive and easy to use. There are many ways to achieve this goal. One of them is adding RSS news feeds to the resource.
Step 1
RSS is a special XML format that allows you to create the desired description of news and announcements, moreover, this format allows the user to see the information he needs, save his time and Internet traffic. Open the Notepad text editor and enter the following text: All RSS feeds begin exactly from this code. It indicates that the document is in XML format and was created for version 2.0.
Step 2
Place the tags below. Information about your feed, channel description, news and a link to the site will be located between them. After the tag, write: The title of your news feed. Its name is, in fact, a Link to your resource & l; description> A short description of your news feed. For example, “News about the new products of the online store. Enter the date when the RSS feed was last modified here. It must be in RFC 2822 format.
Step 3
If you yourself cannot convert the date into this format, use the service located at Enter the date in English. Its format should be as follows: Day / Day / Month / Year / Time.
Step 4
Between the tags there will be an announcement or each separate news item. This is how it should look like: item> Title of the announcement, title of the first article, etc. Provide a link to the full text of the announcement or article in the format The news itself. Date the news was published: Do not publish many headlines at once. It will be optimal if the number of announcements in the news feed does not exceed ten.