Difficulties with finding a registered site can arise for both novice users and novice webmasters. In fact, they are solving the same problem, only from different angles.

Step 1
Enter the website address into your browser if you know the exact address. Be careful: a mistake in one letter can lead you to a completely different resource. If you did not immediately get to the right place, experiment with spelling: you may have confused something. Use English grammar rules for international resources or allusions with Russian words for Runet.
Step 2
Enter the name of the site in the query string of any search engine: Yandex.ru, Google.com, Rambler.ru, Yahoo.com, etc., if you remember it only approximately. Review the found results not only on the first page, but also on several subsequent ones. If the site has been around for a long time and your request is correct, it should appear at the top of the list. A registered site is not shown if it has problems with indexing its pages. Use the less known search engines in Russia: Excite.com, which provides high relevance of results for simple searches; Altavista.com; AlltheWeb.com.
Step 3
Find out how a site you know is indexed in the most used search engines. The type of command depends on the service in which you do it, since each such resource has its own rules. In a Google search box, type site: followed by the name of the site, for example, "site: adressite.ru". If you need not only a specific site, but also pages containing a certain word, then the command will look like this: "site: adressite.ru word nod32". Yandex has a special section for webmasters where you can find all the information you need. Type in the browser line https://webmaster.yandex.ru/check.xml, and in front of you is a search form. Enter the site address with www and without www in it and examine the results.
Step 4
Do the same for other search engines. So, Excite.com helps with the search for a site with the command "site: adressite.ru", and pages - "www.adressite.ru/index.htm". The Norwegian service AllTheWeb.com requires similar commands "url.host:adressite.ru" and "url.all: adressite.ru/index.htm". AltaVista is sensitive to the presence and absence of www, so after the "host:" command you should type the site address in both variants: without and with www.