How To Find Out On Which Sites A Person Is Registered

How To Find Out On Which Sites A Person Is Registered
How To Find Out On Which Sites A Person Is Registered

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Every Internet user visits from one to hundreds of sites. On some he skims the information fluently, while on others he becomes a frequent visitor. In order to find out on which sites a person is registered, first of all, you need to know about his interests. Of course, the easiest way is to ask him himself. But this option does not always give results. In this case, you can resort to some tricks.

How to find out on which sites a person is registered
How to find out on which sites a person is registered

It is necessary

Personal information about a person, computer, internet


Step 1

Nowadays, most of the information about the user can be found on social networks. Now it is difficult to imagine a young man or girl who does not have an account in one of these networks. People of the older generation in this regard, too, do not lag behind young people. If you know any data about a person, you can use the search on the sites:,, and others like them. Often it is enough to know the name of a person or his date of birth in conjunction with the city of residence.

Step 2

People often register on those sites whose topics they are interested in. If you know what the user is interested in, try to find popular sites or forums that are leading in the field. On such sites, users rarely use their real data. Therefore, it is better to search by nickname and email. The person you are looking for can be given out by date of birth, avatar, mottos and communication style.

Step 3

If a search on certain sites does not yield results, use the search engines. Type in a request with the person's nickname or mailing address. Perhaps a search engine will show you his posts or profiles on sites.

Step 4

Let's say you know the email address of the user. Quite often people have several postal addresses on different postal services. They can be either identical or differ by several characters. For example, postal addresses [email protected] and [email protected] can belong to one person. So try looking for mail with a similar name. If the searches are successful, the found postal address can also be included in the search for registrations on the sites

Step 5

It is possible that you have found a site where a person can be registered. But you are not sure about that. In this situation, you can try to recover your account password on the site. This can be done if you know the user's email address or username. If, after sending the request, a message appears that a message has been delivered to the mail with a link to restore the account, then it is likely that the person is actually registered on this site.

Step 6

Having access to the user's computer, you can view the browsing history in the browser that he most often uses when working on the Internet.
