How To Find Out All The Sites On Which I Am Registered

How To Find Out All The Sites On Which I Am Registered
How To Find Out All The Sites On Which I Am Registered

Many Internet users have asked at least once: "How do I find out all the sites on which I am registered?" Remembering where the registration took place can be useful in order to use one of the various online services, for example, a social network or an Internet bank.

How to find out all the sites on which I am registered
How to find out all the sites on which I am registered

Simple ways to find out on which sites it is registered

First, try to remember what Internet resources you used and at what time. For example, a person is quite capable of realizing that, for example, 2-3 years ago he was a regular user of a certain social network, forum, tracker, or was a client of a particular bank. In this case, it remains only to remember the name of this site. This can be done by asking friends or simply by performing a search through Yandex, Google or another search engine for keywords.

What else is important in order to find out all the sites on which you are registered? Of course, the username, that is, the login that was specified during registration. Let's say you have used the Super_Ivan1 login or any similar for this. Try again to search for this login using Internet search engines. Most likely, the search results will display most of the sites where your profile is still saved under this name.

Many people store information about their online activities on their computer. It can be a text document with a list of sites, as well as logins and passwords to them, on which this user is registered. Try to remember, perhaps a similar document is stored in one of your personal folders on your hard drive. You can also ask close friends and relatives about this. Probably, some of them used the same sites at the same time as you. Please note that some organizations, such as banks, electronic offices and all kinds of companies, usually have physical offices where you can turn if you need to return access to their Internet resources.

How to restore access to the sites on which it is registered

If you have remembered all or at least some of the sites where you are registered, all that remains is to restore access to them. If you do not remember your username or password, see if there is a button "restore username (password)" next to the login panel. By clicking on it, you start access restoration procedures. It is important that you keep in your current use the e-mail through which the registration on the corresponding site took place. It is to her that information will come with instructions for further actions.

After receiving an email from the site, just follow its instructions to recover your username and password for the site. If you did not succeed in doing this, you can try to contact the administration of the resource and inquire about how to restore it. It will also be useful to examine your mailbox: perhaps there are still old letters here, which contain information about what other sites you are registered on, indicating all the relevant registration data.
