Due to the fact that the Internet is developing, almost every day replenishing with new sites, there is a natural struggle for a place in the sun. Now it's not enough to create your own website - it is important to be able to properly optimize it. Otherwise, search robots will not accept your project, and the site will not reach a large audience.

How it works?
Optimization means improving the functionality and content of the site, and then promoting it in search engines. The main task of optimization is the promotion of an Internet project and the involvement of a large audience in its work. Optimization is more commonly used by those trying to sell something.
To understand how to properly optimize your site, you should follow the strategy of a typical user behavior. A typical user is an average user, perhaps your future client.
Typical user strategy
It is important to remember that the search engine is the main guide of any person on the Internet. And a person trusts this search engine, as he chooses it himself for one reason or another. By entering the query of interest in the search bar, the user receives a list of sites that can help in solving the problem. It is known that no one will flip through hundreds of pages of the issued results, but will use only the first one by clicking on 2-7 links.
After clicking on the link, the user is taken to the site. Obviously, an incomprehensible interface and chaos will scare away the client, and he is unlikely to use the services of the site. If the interface is in order, then the next step is to read and rate the content. Actually, at this stage, the user will decide whether to continue to cooperate with you or not. If the service is of a commercial nature, then you need to think about convenient feedback. Otherwise, the "fish" caught on the hook will break off at the last moment. And you are unlikely to be able to catch her already.
Seo optimization - what is it?
Search engine optimization, or seo optimization, is the core of the website optimization process. As the name implies, seo promotes a website in search engines. The most popular systems are Yandex and Google.
How does this happen? All your content i.e. articles and images located on the site are indexed by a search robot (also called a "spider"). Articles must contain keywords. These are exactly the types of queries that users enter to find information. The spider determines the relevance (ie match) of these keywords and the uniqueness of each article. Then the site is ranked in the overall ranking. This is called internal optimization.
External promotion is equally important. It is carried out by "citing" your site on other resources. A search robot, being on an already promoted site, clicks on the links located on it. If one of the links is yours, then the optimization is automatically increased.
Black list
If the content is not unique at all, i.e. was copied from another site, then the site is automatically blacklisted. This list definitely guarantees the failure of promotion on the Internet. The uniqueness of the content can be checked in advance using special sites and programs ("Advego Plagiatus", Content-watch).
Recently, the requirements of search robots have increased and they began to index images especially carefully. Therefore, copying them from other sites can lead to unsuccessful seo optimization.
Also, you cannot post many links to your site at the same time on third-party resources. If you overdo it, it will lead to the "spider" ignoring your site.