One of the most common problems when writing text content is to achieve as much uniqueness as possible. And it is absolutely not necessary that the author of the articles (with a uniqueness of 50-70%) is a plagiarist. It's just that someone came up with similar texts before you and posted them on the Internet. A way out of this situation can be found by using some techniques to increase the uniqueness of texts.

Step 1
There are special programs that detect matches with already published content. Change the highlighted phrases, sentences, or paragraphs so that the meaning is not lost. Those. write the same, but in different words. Use synonyms or words / phrases that are similar in meaning. Change your text until the anti-plagiarism stops picking on it. If you've tried everything and the uniqueness score hasn't improved, just delete that part of the text. When you cannot do without this part, add some more information to the article. Your plagiarism against the background of the general uniqueness will not be very conspicuous, and the programs will appreciate your work more highly.
Step 2
Of course, programs can be wrong. Sometimes they find coincidences in the most “unexpected” places. For example, an article on how to store vegetables (onions) may point you to borrowing from an article on storing sports equipment. If there are such comments, then you can break down your proposal with small additions (clarifications) along the text. In any case, if you want to achieve uniqueness in an honest way, you will have to work on your works. Thus, the uniqueness of your texts will directly depend on your genius.
Step 3
There are a couple more ways to change the text to make it unique. But on decent content exchanges, they are, to put it mildly, not welcome. The "synonymizer" program replaces words with their synonyms. The result is unique … nonsense. Clumsy, incoherent and absolutely useless text. For example, the line: "I remember a wonderful moment" is transformed into: "I in no way forget a wonderful moment." Such "masterpieces" will send you back, at best, with a restrained request: "rewrite." The second method is even worse. Replacing Russian letters with English (where possible). Yes, it will not be noticeable at first glance. For example: “I remember a wonderful moment” and “I remember a wonderful moment”. The first was written by Pushkin, and the second by you. And not a single anti-plagiarism will understand where and from whom you "ripped off". But this scam has long been known. Revealed when copying text to word. Send such a text to the customer, and you are guaranteed a scandal.