How To Make A Picture Unique

How To Make A Picture Unique
How To Make A Picture Unique

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If you have your own blog or website, you probably use pictures in it to make it more interesting and attractive. However, the pictures taken from the internet are not unique. This means they won't bring you traffic. It's another matter if you use unique images that will be displayed in search engines. After all, thanks to this, the number of your readers or customers can significantly increase. Plus, the unique pictures are eye-catching.

How to make a picture unique
How to make a picture unique

It is necessary

  • - Photoshop;
  • - the original picture for processing


Step 1

Of course, you can take pictures or draw pictures yourself. If you have the desire, strength and time for this, as well as a good digital camera, then why not? Moreover, this is a great way for self-expression and creativity. Well, if you do not have the opportunity or desire for this, then you can make unique pictures from those that are at hand. A graphics program for image processing - for example, Photoshop, will help you with this.

Step 2

The easiest way to make a picture unique is to flip it horizontally or vertically. To do this, select the menu items "Image" - "Image rotation" - "Flip canvas horizontally / vertically". However, this method is not suitable for pictures with an inscription (text). It should also be borne in mind that this method is often used by others, since it is the easiest. Therefore, the more people have mirrored your picture to you, and then took these mirror copies to their blog or website, the less unique it becomes.

Step 3

Another way is to rotate the picture 15 or more degrees in any direction. The more you rotate the degree, the more unique the image will be for the search engine. Also, the picture works well with the compression method by a fairly large percentage (from 20%). However, you should not over-compress and rotate the picture either, otherwise the picture will be too distorted.

Step 4

You can increase the uniqueness of a picture by changing its format. For example, from.jpg

Step 5

You can combine these methods. For example, flip and compress and rotate a little. Or you can make a collage from several pictures. This is a great way to make an image unique, although it is a little more time consuming. And the last thing: in order for a blog with pictures to bring you traffic, do not forget to add alt="Image" and title tags to the image.
