The Internet is the largest computer network in the world today. It unites many millions of computers in all developed countries of the world. The amount of information on the World Wide Web is rapidly increasing, which predicts its extensive advancement even in spheres alien to technology. At the moment, anyone can make their own personal contribution to the development of the Internet. To do this, you just need to create your own website. But how to do that?

Step 1
First, you need to solve a few specific tasks: study the main rules and recommendations for organizing and forming Web sites and accurately follow them in your work; form the structure of the web page; create a plan for designing and building a Web site.
Step 2
A website can contain stylized and formatted text, graphics, and hyperlinks to various Internet resources. To use these perspectives, a special language was created called Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), in other words, Hypertext Markup Language. A document written in HTML is a text file that in turn contains text that conveys information to the user and markup flags. They are specific character algorithms that guide the viewer; according to this manual, the program places text on the computer screen, enters images into it, which are saved in separate graphic files, and forms hyperlinks with other documents or Internet resources.
Step 3
HTML is available in many flavors and continues to evolve, but HTML is likely to be used in the future. By mastering and learning more about HTML, you are likely to create Web pages that can be viewed by most Web browsers, both now and in the future. This does not diminish the potential for using other tools, such as the advanced feature method, such as Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, or many other programs.
Step 4
Using HTML is a way that you can learn how to create documents in a standardized language by using extensions only when you really need to.
Step 5
Since HTML documents are written in ASCII format, use any text editor to create it. Ultimately, we can say that knowing the tags of the hypertext markup language, you can create linked, structured Web documents without the help of expensive and complex specialized editors.