A blog is an online journal or diary in which you write about what interests you. This is an author's project, which should, above all, bring you pleasure. But you can also make money on a blog! Isn't it a dream to do what you like and get paid for it? At first, it may not be entirely clear how to make money on a blog, but first you still need to create a blog and start writing to it.

Create a blog for free?
A blog is the simplest possible online project that can bring profit. This is a public publication in which the author writes whatever he wants, and every person on the Internet can comment on this. In Russia, the blogosphere is a fairly well-developed communications industry. A large part of it is occupied by public platforms on which you can create a blog for free. For example, this is LiveJournal (livejournal or LJ), blogpost, liveinternet, and many others. In some places, you can even create a Wordpress blog for free!
Before creating a blog, decide for yourself whether you want to make money on it or you need it as a platform for publishing your thoughts and feelings. If you want to quickly get a responsive and attentive audience, then choose the LJ platform (below is a link to it). The level of content on this resource is quite high, and people come there specifically to read other people's blogs. LJ and similar services have only one drawback: you cannot place many types of advertising there, you are very limited in the ways of monetization. But you can publish paid posts in LJ. For example, an advertising post in LiveJournal by Artemy Lebedev, a famous designer and traveler, costs 300 thousand rubles. There is something to strive for! However, it can be very difficult to achieve this kind of success.
Create a blog to make money
Since free services almost do not allow you to place ads on your blog, the only option for making money is a standalone blog (from the English stand alone).
Although you can use all the monetization methods for a blog that are suitable for regular sites, the most common among them is advertising. This can be contextual advertising, for example, Google AdSense, banner advertising, or blocks that the customer has placed directly by agreement with you personally. The last option is the most profitable, but you need to look for clients yourself.
The scheme for creating a blog to make money is simple: 1) You create a blog 2) Fill your blog with interesting content and regularly write to it 3) You have regular readers 4) You find advertisers who pay for ads on the blog, or register in a system that itself places advertisements on your website 5) You get income!
As you might guess, the money will not come immediately. Making money blogging takes some persistence and skill. If the goal of creating a blog is to make money, and at the same time, you are a beginner and do not know anything about blogging, then we recommend using the Wordpress platform.