In this age of development of interactive technologies, it is difficult to imagine a family, all of whose members would not use the Internet. For some, the Internet is an integral part of their work, while others use the network for entertainment. In any case, for many users, the speed of their Internet connection is very important.

Nowadays, any PC user with Internet access can easily check the speed of their Internet connection. There are several ways to check the speed. However, let us dwell on the most accessible one - the use of online services. It should be noted that such a check is possible when connected to the Internet. It is enough to enter the heading "how to check the speed of the Internet" in the search bar and the browser will display many different sites that provide such services.
There are many servers on which the user is prompted to check the internet speed. Let's dwell on the most common ones.
SPEEDTEST. NET is one of the most common online services for testing the speed of an Internet connection. Note that checking the speed on such a resource is free. In addition, this online service is one of the most accurate. Checking the speed on the specified site is easy. It is enough to enter the specified online resource and click "start testing". At the end of testing, the result will appear. The first digit indicates the transmission time of network packets. It is conventionally called ping. The higher the internet speed, the less ping should be. A figure of less than 100 is quite a decent result. Next, the speed of receiving data and the speed of data transfer (for example, 30 Mbit / s) are displayed. This can be considered speed.
Other online services for checking the speed of the Internet work on a similar principle. Note that the results on different resources may vary somewhat. However, this type of speed test is still convenient and does not take much time.
Another convenient site for checking the speed is The only difference of this resource is that only the speed of receiving and transmitting data is tested (it does not show the "ping" value).
The "Internet number" from Yandex ( works according to a similar principle. The specifics of working with this resource is just as simple: press "test" (check the speed), wait a few seconds and get the result.
Separately, you can highlight the resource Despite the fact that it is one of the most inaccurate online services for determining the speed of the Internet, for many users it opens the possibility of accessing thousands of reviews from users of various Internet providers. Thanks to these reviews, the user can analyze the choice of a company that provides access to the global network.
Let's briefly mention other ways to check the internet speed at home. You can use the manual file upload method. To do this, install the Download Master program, add several files to download. Open the program window and look at the numbers showing the download speed.
Another way to check your internet speed is by using torrent trackers. Install the torrent program on your computer. Download a movie (file). In the window that opens, we see the download speed of the file. However, it is worth considering that if the download speed through the torrent client is displayed at about 10 Mb / s, then this figure is multiplied by 8. This will be the real speed of your Internet connection.
When measuring the speed of the Internet, it is advisable to disable all download programs and online video views.