USB modem …. Today this combination of words is familiar to everyone. The device gained popularity due to its simplicity, portability and availability. Outwardly it looks like a USB flash drive. It is based on an ordinary SIM card, the same as in the phone.

Benefits of the Internet via USB Modem
The word "modem" came about as a result of the merger of two words: modulator and demodulator, respectively, it modulates and demodulates the signal, that is, converts it, makes it understandable for the device to which it is connected. A USB modem will suit those who work on a laptop, netbook. Some models of tablets assume a USB modem connection. It can be used at home, when it is not possible to connect to the Internet, and in a cafe, in the country, at a picnic, even in the forest. The main thing is a stable signal zone. However, the GSM technology, on the basis of which the work of most modern modems is based, is practically ubiquitous and allows 99% of mobile devices to receive 3G and even 4G Internet. Which of the well-known mobile operators to trust when choosing a device: Beeline, MTS or Megafon - this question does not lose its relevance.
To each his own
It should be noted that the choice of a modem is a very subjective question. First of all, the buyer should pay attention to the stability and stability of the signal in the territory where the predominant use of the modem is supposed.
The second is the cost of the device. For example, you can buy an MTS modem for 600 - 1990 rubles. Megafon also offers its devices in the same price range. Beeline modems are somewhat more expensive, due to the high ratings of this operator. But the quality of the Internet provided is not much better. In a set with the modem of this company, manufacturers offer a USB cable, which can be used if the connection level is not high enough. If you decide on a Beeline modem, then the purchase will cost you an average of about 2000 rubles. The price of all modems includes the cost of the first month of using the Internet. Currently, USB modems with wi-fi support are becoming more and more popular.
For every taste
Another thing the buyer focuses on is the choice of a tariff plan. It differs little from the tariffs for cellular communications. It is important to take into account the speed of the modem, which is exactly what you need. If you just need to send email and communicate on social networks, then the lowest is enough, why overpay? If you plan to visit sites with pictures, then you can choose a better tariff.
To download videos, watch movies, you will have to fork out for an expensive tariff plan, otherwise you will only waste your time waiting for the download for a long time.
In any case, it is better to choose unlimited Internet. Then, having paid once, you can then use the Internet for a whole month without any restrictions. However, it is possible to pay for unlimited Internet for several days, which is quite convenient. In principle, all telecom operators adhere to the same pricing policy for the provision of mobile Internet, everyone will find a solution according to their pocket.