How To Increase The Transmission Speed On The Megafon Modem

How To Increase The Transmission Speed On The Megafon Modem
How To Increase The Transmission Speed On The Megafon Modem

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Using the mobile Internet Megafon has many advantages, including the ability to access the network anywhere within the operator's coverage area. However, this type of Internet access has a relatively low speed. To correct this drawback, it is necessary to configure the programs used to solve the problem.

How to increase the transmission speed on the Megafon modem
How to increase the transmission speed on the Megafon modem


Step 1

First of all, regardless of the task at hand, whether it be surfing the web or downloading a file using a torrent client or a download manager, you must disable all programs that in one way or another can affect the speed of the network connection. These include download managers, torrent clients, browsers, and applications that can download updates. It is necessary to completely clear the list of applications that are currently active. Close both those in the explorer panel and those in the tray. Control their disabling using the task manager, if necessary, manually disable the processes related to them.

Step 2

To download a file as quickly as possible using the download manager, set the maximum number of simultaneous downloads to one and remove the download limit, if it is set. When using a torrent client, configure it so that the maximum number of simultaneously downloaded files is one. In addition, disable the speed limit, if present. Limit upload speed to one kilobit per second. Do not launch third-party applications until the download is complete.

Step 3

For the fastest web surfing, configure your browser so that the number of third-party elements loaded with the web page is minimal. These include pictures, as well as java and flash applications. You can also use the Opera mini browser, which is the fastest and most economical solution. The specificity of this browser is that before sending a web page to your computer, it passes through the server, where it is compressed, losing up to eighty percent of its weight. This browser was originally designed for use on mobile phones, so you need to install a java emulator to work with it.
