How To Enable Skype Demo

How To Enable Skype Demo
How To Enable Skype Demo

The screen display function, implemented in Skype, helps to provide assistance to the interlocutor in technical issues of computer operation, organize business on the Internet, conduct training and consultations. Enabling screen display and specifics of using the function.

How to enable Skype demo
How to enable Skype demo

The free Skype program allows you not only to communicate by voice with subscribers who are called contacts in Skype, but also to see the interlocutor, transfer files of various sizes and share the screen. It is easy to use it even for people of very advanced age. The program is indispensable for communication between people in different cities, in different countries and on different continents.

Conversations that can be carried on for hours without paying anything beyond what it takes to pay for the Internet have turned Skype into a means of communication for a huge number of users. There are many of them who teach, consult or develop their business on the Internet all over the world.

Why you need to share your screen on Skype

The screen sharing function implemented in the program is an irreplaceable thing. Having opened your screen to show the interlocutor, you can get real help in solving problems or show the work to the customer. There is no need to explain on the fingers what exactly caused the difficulty. You can even watch one video clip for two.

By showing the screen it is convenient to learn Photoshop or create websites. Correct errors in the code, edit the design. It is impossible to list all the tasks that can be solved using screen sharing in Skype.

Where to find screen sharing on Skype

The demo function only works in talk mode. Moreover, during the call itself, when the subscriber has not yet answered, the screen sharing button is inactive.

When the call is answered, you can start showing.

It is better if the video camera is turned off. This ensures that the broadcast does not "hang" on the interlocutor.

Screen sharing can be enabled in two ways.

The easiest way to do this is by using the + button, which is located next to the handset, which denotes the "On-hook" button.

Pressing the + button opens a menu. In it, you need to find the screen sharing line and click on it. An ad will appear asking you to confirm the start of the show.

The interlocutor, in turn, must allow or not allow showing himself someone else's screen. Only then will he be able to see the computer screen of his subscriber.

Another way to enable screen sharing is by using the Calls top menu bar. In the submenu that opens, select screen sharing and perform the same actions as through the plus button.

Skype has made remote work convenient and accessible over the Internet for a huge number of people. In it you can not only communicate with family and friends, but also conduct serious business. Last but not least, thanks to the ability to show the computer screen to the interlocutor.
