In Minecraft, you regularly face countless dangers. The playing space - especially with the onset of "night" - is literally teeming with all kinds of evil mobs, many of which are capable of causing you serious damage, or even kill. The task of dealing with them will be greatly facilitated for you if you acquire suitable potions.

It is necessary
- - crafting table
- - fire rod
- - cobblestones
- - seeds of hellish growth
- - soul sand
- - flasks
- - water
- - ingredients for cooking potions
Step 1
To begin with, make a sortie into the Lower World (Hell) - without some blocks and objects located only there, it is impossible even to create a potion making stand. You will need to get the soul sand. Get also a hellish growth and some of its seeds (they fall out of this plant when it is destroyed) and create beds with it in the ordinary world. To do this, plant him on soul sand blocks. Kill at least one ifrit - from it you will get a fire rod as a loot, which serves as the basis for the potion crafting rack.
Step 2
Be sure to make enough glass blocks: you can get them by melting any ordinary sand - light or red - in a furnace. Arrange the three glass blocks on the workbench so that two of them are in the outer slots of the middle horizontal row, and one is in the center of the lower one. Collect the three crafted flasks. Fill them with water by bringing them to its source or to a cauldron filled with it and then right-clicking on the liquid.
Step 3
Assemble the cooking rack by placing three cobblestones in the lower horizontal row of the workbench, and place the efreet fire rod in its center slot. You will have a rack with three flask holders on the bottom and one on top for serving the ingredients. Place the required number of water-filled vessels in their place and first boil one of the primary (so-called rough, unremarkable or thick) potions.
Step 4
To create these magical drinks, place your main ingredient on the top tray of the rack. For a coarse potion (which serves as the basis for most of them) these will be the seeds of a hellish growth, for a thick one - light dust (obtained from the glowing stone of the underworld - glouston), for an unremarkable - lava cream, redstone dust, spider eye, sugar, ghast tear, fire powder and sparkling watermelon slice. You will learn about the beginning of the potion-making process (and it lasts about twenty seconds) by a special animation - bubbles rising up on the rack diagram.
Step 5
The above potions do not give any effect, but only serve as a base for creating others. Therefore, prepare secondary magic drinks with the desired effect (at first, keep their recipes at hand - until you remember which ingredient is needed for each of the elixirs). If you want to make several identical potions at once, place the required number of flasks (up to three inclusive) with the "base" on the rack, and install the component declared in the recipe on the upper tray. At the end of cooking, it will be added to all vessels.
Step 6
If you wish, try the drink for yourself, but if it is intended to have any destructive effect, get an antidote to it. For these purposes in "Minecraft" there is a certain panacea - milk (by the way, it is good even against the venom of a cave spider). Milk it from any cow you have tamed, placing a pre-prepared bucket under it. Drink the potion, see the effect and then sip the milk - the elixir will wear off.