The "Sixth Sense" skill is recognized as one of the most useful and irreplaceable by famous water-makers. But in order to get the most out of it, you need to have a good understanding of how it works.

How the Sixth Sense works
In the community, this skill, or perk, from the English. perquisite, which means "privilege", "privilege" - is also called "light bulb" because of the characteristic visualization of a light bulb lighting up on the screen. It is recommended to be pumped to absolutely everyone and is considered extremely useful.
The "sixth sense" is available only to commanders and works as follows: the indicator light comes on after your tank is in the enemy's line of sight - it was "spotted", and automatically goes out after a couple of seconds. If you come out of the light, and then fall into it again, the light will turn on again.
In fact, this is the intuition of your crew commander, allowing him to feel that the tank has been spotted by the enemy. In such situations, when you stand in positions hidden, for example, by bushes and consider yourself invisible, while the enemy is approaching you from the other side, it is difficult to overestimate the usefulness of the light bulb. For tanks with weak armor, this skill significantly increases the chances of survival in battle. Players coordinating the battle via voice communication must inform the team that they have been caught by the enemy: this information helps to form a more complete picture of what is happening on the screen, predict the enemy's maneuvers, choose the right strategy and just come to the aid of a comrade in time.
Some nuances of the "light bulb"
Do not forget that, like other skills, the "sixth sense" does not work until it is 100% pumped. As soon as the light came on, it is necessary to urgently change the location: remember that three seconds have passed since the light was lit, and the enemy artillery is not asleep. Do not bring down trees and buildings while retreating: the sight of the arts is already focused on you and nothing prevents the enemy from calculating your location by tracing - that is, following the trail of the projectile you fired.
The appearance of the light bulb and the sound signal accompanying it can be changed as desired. To do this, you just need to select and install the mod. Mods of this kind - changing the light bulb, voice acting of the crew, sight - do not actually affect the game itself, therefore they are allowed. Lists of mods prohibited for installation can be found on the official website of the game.
There are cases when after the released updates to the game client the light bulb stopped working. If this happens to you - do not be too lazy to record several battles until you catch this bug on the video, and be sure to send it to the technical support of “World of tanks”. For such a large-scale project, user feedback is an important part of the process of improving the game.