Vampirism in the game universe of The Elder Scrolls is a rare disease that gives the character additional skills and increases strength, but reduces some other skills. To become infected with this disease, you need to face a vampire and experience the "drain life" spell on yourself. Within 72 hours after infection, it is enough to drink a healing potion or visit the altar of any deity in Skyrim, but after three days irreversible changes begin, and the first stage of the disease begins.

Some players find the benefit of vampirism: despite the fact that in the sun the character experiences weakness and loses health, he gains excellent properties - resistance to all diseases, protection from any poison, the ability to hide better in the dark and cast more powerful spells of the school of illusion. But if you are confused by red eyes, dull skin color and fangs, and also do not like hiding in the dungeons during the day, then you need to urgently look for a cure for vampirism.
Simple ways to get rid of vampirism
The fastest and easiest way that most Skyrim players will not approve is to remove the disease using the console. Open a console and enter the following command: player.removespell 000b8780. As a result, the quest started during the vampirism infection will end. But this method works only once per game, if the next time you are infected by a vampire, you will have to use other means.
It is also quite easy to get rid of vampirism by completing the Companions quests, as a result of which the hero gets the opportunity to become a werewolf. This condition is called lycanthropy and is incompatible with vampirism. Join the ranks of the Companions, complete several secondary tasks and wait until you will be given a more serious quest "Silver Hand", in which you need to take part in the Blood Ritual and exterminate the werewolf killers.
During the passage of the quest, Eila the Huntress will make your character a werewolf to show his capabilities. After completing the Silver Hand, you can refuse lycanthropy or remain a werewolf, in which case vampirism is cured.
Some consider lycanthropy a gift, others no less terrible disease than vampirism. The werewolf has increased health and stamina, and its claws inflict terrible blows.
The quest of getting rid of vampirism
It is much more interesting to independently find an opportunity to heal from vampirism. To do this, you need to go through a quest called "Rise at Dawn", which becomes available as soon as you become a vampire. For information on what to do next, contact the owner of any tavern in Skyrim, inquiring about the latest rumors.
You learn that the sorcerer Falion in Morthal is studying vampires and is looking for a cure for this disease. Travel to Morthal, a swamp settlement in the northern part of the province. Find Falion and ask for help. The sorcerer will give the task to find a black soul stone and enclose a soul in it.
Soul stones are sold by many wizards, including Falion, and black stones can also be found in lairs where necromancers hide. To capture a soul, you must know the appropriate spell.
A soul of a high level must be enclosed in a stone: a dremora, a human, an elf, a representative of the beast. The most convenient and correct from a moral point of view is to kill the first bandit that gets in the way. Falion will ask you to bring a stone to the forest to the Summoning Circle near Morthal, where he will perform a ritual and cure vampirism.