Minecraft is a favorite game of many gamers of the planet, mainly due to the successful combination of a simple and intuitive interface with a variety of tasks in the gameplay. Meanwhile, the latter will become even more interesting and original if the gamer additionally installs special software products - mods.

A basic mod worth installing in minecraft
It is difficult to find experienced Minecraft fans who would play exclusively in its "vanilla" (that is, it does not have a single additional plugin) version. Players have the chance to take advantage of the variety of possibilities offered by various modifications of their favorite game.
The popularity of many mods (for example, Industrial Craft2) is very wide, as they allow you to change the gameplay for the better. Thanks to them, new blocks, mobs and crafting recipes are added to it, including those for those items that were considered irreplaceable in the official version of the game or were absent in principle.
You need to download installers for mods only from trusted resources. If a player neglects caution in this matter, everything can turn into unpleasant consequences for him - from a virus entering the computer to theft of personal data.
At the same time, two categories of mods are clearly distinguished - basic ones, without which the functioning of other modifications is not possible, and the rest, installed on top of the first ones. Moreover, the second of the above types is precisely such modifications that add new items or capabilities to the gameplay. Basic plugins usually just serve to optimize the game in case of installing several mods in it.
Each modification requires correct installation for full functioning. For many plugins, one of the preliminary steps in this regard is to install a loader - ModLoader.
To start such a process, you first need to download the installation files of the above software product. Next, you need to open the directory with the.jar extension through any archiver. In versions of Minecraft below 1.6, that is located in the bin folder. In newer versions of the game, the archiving program opens the versions. There you need to find a file indicating your game version and the.jar extension.
When adjustments to minecraft.jar are needed
Some modifications, if ModLoader is already installed on the computer, it will be enough to throw in mods, and there the above loader will take care of them. However, such an installation recipe is not suitable for every plugin. For many of them, some changes have to be made to minecraft.jar.
To do this, you first need to find the directory where such a file is located. On a Linux machine, this requires entering ~ /.minecraft, and already in it, you need to open bin. In Windows, go through the start menu and either select the Run line, or (if the operating system is Vista or newer) "Find files and folders". In any case, you will need to enter the phrase% AppData% \. Minecraft / bin.
It's a little harder to do this on macOS. There, first you need to click Finder, where in Places you need to find the desired username. After that, inside this directory, find Library, then Application Support, and inside it - the game folder with bin.
If the player removes the mod, all objects added to the gameplay thanks to such a plug-in may disappear. For this to happen, it will be enough to confirm the loading of the game world without such "non-standard" items and blocks.
Then you need to unpack the archive with the mod with any special program - like WinRAR, WinZip, 7zip, etc. At the same time it is required to open minecraft.jar in an adjacent window. From the first, you need to drag all the files to the second. When there are two folders bin / jar and resources in the archive from which everything needs to be copied, the contents of one are transferred to minecraft.jar, and the other - directly to.minecraft.
However, even after such correct actions, the mod will not work unless you delete the META-INF document from the game directory, which is responsible for preserving the integrity of the previous Minecraft modification. Otherwise, the game will not start at all.
For versions of "Minecraft" above 1.6, as a rule, a slightly different way of installing mods is required. Everything will succeed only after installing the basic modification - Minecraft Forge. When such actions are performed, the contents of the archive with the required mod are transferred to the address% AppData% \. Minecraft / versions / 1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.804. Then, when you start the game in the launcher, you should directly select the Forge profile.
It is important to remember: each modification has its own installation order, which also depends on the version of the game. Usually, the creators of the mod in its description say which method is suitable in a particular case, and such recommendations are not a sin to follow.