Each of us knows that with the help of advertising you can significantly increase your income, because advertising is the engine of commerce. If you want to increase not only traffic to your site, but also your earnings, you need to learn how to advertise what you do. Advertising your brand, your business is the main chance for your success. Unfortunately, the world wide web cannot do without high-quality and effective advertising. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of different advertising methods.

So you've decided to place your ad on Google Adwords. The first thing you will notice is the low-quality work of technical support and scripts - counters, the work of which is not entirely clear. This is not surprising. In principle, this is how it should be on a site - a giant that has no competitors. Don't be in a hurry to get upset. You can safely place your ads and get the desired result. If you want your advertising to be the most effective, pay attention to the basic subtleties of advertising on Google Adwords. The first thing you should do is decide on your ad choice:
- contextual advertising;
- advertising on forums and social networks;
- message boards;
- video portals.
Of course, there are other types of advertising as well. However, these methods are considered the most basic and effective. Once you have decided on the type of ad, you need to go to your ad settings. In order to choose the correct settings, pay attention to the basic rules.
1. Registration and payment. What payment method do users from Russia choose? Of course, this is WebMoney. If you decide to fund your account using this payment system, please note that you can only use rubles.
2. Display network output. The best option for your ad is “computer-only view”.
3. Maximum CPC. We recommend that you do not overcharge with one click. The most reasonable price is 0.20 cents per click.
4. Daily budget. You can enter any amount here. However, we do not recommend that you enter an amount higher than $ 10.
5. Key words. This is a very important point. We advise you to highlight words with the least competition.
So, you have placed and paid for your ad, set all the necessary settings. Now it's time to make money! Don't forget to update your site. The more often you add new information to your resource, the higher your traffic will be! Good luck and great earnings!