How To Check The Speed Of The Modem

How To Check The Speed Of The Modem
How To Check The Speed Of The Modem

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The speed of the modem, as well as the speed of your connection, depends on many factors: the provider, the quality of the line, the type of connection, etc. The fastest are modems that work using ADSL technology. Today it is possible to download information from the Internet without interrupting the telephone conversation. Modem speed is determined by one of many online tests.

How to check the speed of the modem
How to check the speed of the modem


Online tests to determine the speed of the connection


Step 1

Now there are such sites that were created on the basis of testing technologies. As a rule, testing sites allow you to perform a large number of checks: you can find out your ip, connection speed, information about the installed software (operating system, internet browser). Some testing sites allow you to create accounts through which you can track the constant change in connection speed.

Step 2

The principle of operation of tests that determine the speed of the modem is to measure the speed during the transfer of a test file. Most often, such a file is a document that is less than 2 Mb in size. For example, the site works with such small files. The site is no different from the previous opponent. To calculate the connection speed, you must select the city to which the calculation will be made. After clicking on the start check button, after a while, you will be able to see the real speed. Also, you may come across an unknown ping value. Ping is an equally important indicator, the lower the ping value, the faster the site or page will respond when you click on the link.

Step 3

Most models of ADSL modems allow downloading information at a speed of 2-4 Mbit. If you want to get more speed, you need to contact your provider with a request to increase the speed by changing your tariff plan.
