When using the Internet, all of you very often have to wait until this or that information is loaded, as if you were stuck in a traffic jam. And everyone wants to avoid this process, or at least speed it up. Of course, the most productive solution would be to change the tariff to another tariff with a higher speed. But if there is neither desire nor material opportunity to change the tariff, then you can squeeze the maximum out of your connection with the help of special manipulations.

Step 1
There are several "popular" methods of increasing the speed of the Internet (more precisely, not increasing, but optimizing the work of the connection and the browser, we will call a spade a spade).
The first thing you can do is increase the size of the cache of the Internet browser (thereby, the revisited pages will load much faster).
Step 2
Disable graphics on web pages (the amount of information on the page will decrease and the loading speed will increase).
Step 3
Use the latest versions of Internet browsers, as they include improvements, fixes and the information exchange system is optimized in every possible way, which increases efficiency.
Step 4
Also, if possible, you can turn off the antivirus, since it constantly monitors the pages you visit and loads its information (this option is very controversial, on the one hand, loading pages will be faster, on the other hand, it is possible to pick up a virus).
Step 5
You can check the speed of the Internet at SpeedTest.net. It is possible to find out the speed of uploading and receiving files from almost anywhere in the world. A very popular and convenient service.
Step 6
But still in order to get great speed. The best way would be to connect to a more expensive tariff.