Is it difficult to hack a server? This directly depends on the protection measures taken. It is almost impossible to avoid hacking attempts, but the administrator is quite capable of maintaining the server's security at the proper level.

Step 1
To effectively protect a server, its administrator must at least in general outline the methods of hacking used by hackers. In this case, he will be able to close the loopholes existing in his system and effectively prevent any attempts to penetrate the computer.
Step 2
A hacker can break into a server by exploiting script vulnerabilities. If you are using standard scripts, check the network for information about their vulnerabilities. If you find them, immediately install the current version of the script or use the "patch", usually they are created very quickly.
Step 3
Your site can be scanned for vulnerable services - that is, those in which vulnerabilities were found and for which exploits were created. An exploit is a program code that allows you to use an existing vulnerability to gain control over a computer. Pay attention to the version of the services you have, and when information about the vulnerabilities found appears on the network, fix them promptly. Do not forget that after the emergence of information about a new vulnerability, within the first two to three days in the world, millions of computers are hacked.
Step 4
Check the server regularly for open ports. For the convenience of working with a compromised machine, hackers often load a rootkit into the system - a program that opens a specific port and makes it easy to connect to a computer. To audit your system, you can use XSpider to find a wide variety of vulnerabilities.
Step 5
Remember that the more sites you have on your server, the higher the risk of being hacked. A hacker can hack one of the sites and through it try to gain access to the server. Set a ban on the execution of console commands by a simple user, write down the rules for the firewall. Be clear about the file permissions. Check your system regularly with spyware scanners. Delete information about the services used.
Step 6
Watch the server logs, in them you can find information about hacking or attempts to implement it. Use passwords wherever possible and make them complex. Never use ordinary words for a password, such a password is easy to guess or recover from a hash. The password must be long, using letters, numbers and special characters.