The State Duma of Russia adopted a law on the creation of a unified register of domains and sites with information prohibited for dissemination, that is, the so-called "black list". Owners of their own Internet resources and just fans of "walking" on the Internet are interested: what will be included in this list?

According to the newly elected President Vladimir Putin, first of all, resources that post child pornography, promote drugs and induce children to commit suicide will be blacklisted. Thus, the legislators decided to fight for the life and health of children. Similar databases already exist in many developed countries, including the neighboring countries. Such a project will be implemented for the first time in Russia.
The following definitions of information prohibited for dissemination have been formulated:
- pornographic images of minors;
- propaganda of corruption and compulsion of minors to acts of a sexual nature;
- sexual exploitation of minors;
- inducement to commit actions that threaten the life and health of minors.
The owners of the portals, on the pages of which the prohibited information will be posted, will be given an official warning, after which they will have to remove the prohibited content within 24 hours. If they don't, the sites will be blocked by hosting providers. If the site is not blocked by the hosting provider, it will be blocked as well. And they will immediately be blacklisted. Subsequently, the decision to block a site or resource can be appealed in court.
Responsibility for blacklisting domains and sites will be assigned to one of the non-profit organizations, which will have to be selected and accredited by Roskomnadzor. The same organization will work with statements from citizens who are called on to help the state identify resources with negative information for children.
Despite the obvious fact that there should be mechanisms to control content on the Internet, many doubt that in our country this will not result in another pipe for taxpayers' money. Moreover, the same owners of blocked sites can create new sites with exactly the same information in a fairly short time. Moreover, despite the black list of Russian websites and similar lists in Europe, any information can still be found anywhere in the world. Experts are also skeptical about the idea of creating a specialized organization. In their opinion, the same functions can already be successfully performed by search engines that index all newly appearing sites. And the newly created organization will only require new budget money.
Many directly express fears that if the mechanism for forming the black list is not well-oiled and completely transparent, numerous schemes of pressure on the owners of Internet resources will appear on the Internet. And threats to be blacklisted will be a means of raider seizure of sites, shatnazh and political pressure. In other words, control over the Internet can be not only beneficial but also harmful.