Employees in private companies often face network restrictions. It is expressed in the denial of access to sites that are considered unrelated to the workflow. To remove this restriction, you can use one of the simple options.

Step 1
Use anonymizers. This service will help you open any sites, including those blocked by your proxy server, without leaving the addresses that you opened in its logs. Its principle of operation is that it acts on the principle of a proxy server - all data that you request first passes through it, and only then is transmitted to your PC. All that will remain in the memory of the proxy server is a visit to the anonymizer site. This is achieved by encrypting the address of the requested site in such a way that it looks like a link to the anonymizer's site. Let's consider the use of this service using timp.ru as an example. Go to the site, then deploy the address bar, in which you need to enter the address you need and press "Enter".
Step 2
Use a data compression service. It is designed to reduce costs when using gprs internet. Its principle of operation is the same as that of anonymizers, except that it also compresses data and only then transfers it to your computer. This service can be provided both through the application and through a web page. Access to the service can be carried out on a paid or free basis, with free use, the download speed of the requested page is much lower than when using a paid account.
Step 3
You can also use the Opera Mini browser. It is designed for mobile phones, so you need to install a java emulator first. The browser does not require installation, so you can carry it on a USB flash drive, the main condition for use is that an emulator must be installed on the computer on which it will be used. It works on the same principle as data compression services, but there is almost no latency. Disable image and app loading to maximize page opening speed.