Which Browser Ad Blocker To Choose

Which Browser Ad Blocker To Choose
Which Browser Ad Blocker To Choose

Website owners try to make money by placing ads on their pages. Internet users who are annoyed by ads are trying to find a way to get rid of annoying banners. In this they can be helped by special programs - ad blockers.

Which browser ad blocker to choose
Which browser ad blocker to choose

Ad blocker AdBlock Plus

This free useful add-on successfully works with all popular browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, IE. To install AdBlock + for Mozilla Firefox, go to the blocker installation page and click the green Install for Firefox button. A window will appear asking for permission to install this program on your computer. Select "Allow" from the dropdown list.

If you are using Google Chrome, click on the "Settings and Control" button in the upper right corner and click on "Settings". In the settings window, click on "Extensions" in the list on the left side of the screen and click on the "More extensions" link. In the search bar at the top left, enter ad and enter adblock + in the search results. Click on the program logo, click the "Free" button in the upper right corner, then click "Add".

To install Adblock Plus for Opera, in the Extensions group, click Manage Extensions and click Add Extension. In the add-ons window, click the plugin logo and click the green "Add to Opera" button. In the installation window, select "Install".

The developers of the program understand that providing advertising space is the main form of income for many website owners. The default settings allow non-intrusive ads that do not interfere with viewing the main content. Only banners that occupy most of the page are blocked. The blocker is installed along with a list of filters, which is compiled based on the language of your browser. You can add a new list from those suggested by the developers or create your own filter.

To add a list of filters to the Opera and Google Crome browsers, click the Adblocl Plus icon in the upper right corner of the page, select the "Settings" item in the drop-down menu, then click "Add subscription" in the first tab. If you are using Mozilla, select the "Filter Settings" command, in the "Subscriptions" tab, click "Add Subscription" and select the required package in the drop-down list. To block ads on any page, right-click on it and select "Adblock Plus: Block Image".

An overgrown filter list will slow down your blocker and browser, so think carefully about what kind of ads you can tolerate for the sake of performance.

Adblock blocker

The Adblock plugin appeared later than Adblock Plus. It is compatible not only with the popular Opera, Mozilla and Chrome, but also with the less common Safari browser. Adblock, in comparison with Adblock Plus, is more effective at hiding ads on video hosting services like yuotube, slowing down browsers. The advantages of both programs, in comparison with other blockers, are high efficiency, ease of settings and free of charge.

Both plugins only hide ads from users, without interfering with their loading on the page.

Installs Adblock in the same way as its predecessor, using the "Extensions" command in all browsers. The installation processes for both plugins are practically the same. After installing Adblock to block ads on a web page, right-click on the image, then click the blocker icon on the toolbar and select actions for this object in the settings menu.
