You don't have to be a professional web designer to get your own website. A virtual resource, if handled correctly, can be very useful. But in order to benefit, you need to have some knowledge or funds to pay for the work of professionals.

Step 1
You can get a personal website in different ways, which will have different costs. You can order a website for professionals, which will be the most expensive. The advantages of this method are obvious: no special knowledge is required to create a site; since the site will be made by professionals, there will be a minimum number of mistakes; no need to waste your time. The downside is the payment of a fairly decent amount of money for the created site. You can buy an existing ready-made website. The most important advantage is that a working site is bought that is filled with content, indexed by search engines, has visitors and may even have income. The disadvantages include: you need negotiation skills; you need to understand the technical parameters of sites; you need money to buy a website; you can fall into the clutches of scammers. You can give preference to such a complex as free hosting with a website builder. Free is the only positive thing. Disadvantages: all technical capabilities are minimal, in order to improve them you need to pay additional finances, or there is no such opportunity at all; placement of outside advertisements in the most prominent places; the selected site design template may be found on other third-party sites; if something happens to the site, then all data may disappear irrevocably. Paid hosting. Pros: if the site has its own hosting, its own domain, then the owner fully controls it at the time for which the space on the server is paid; the possibility of serious earnings. Minus - you need to pay for hosting and domain, but the amounts are small and almost any user can pay them. For example, a domain in the ".ru" zone costs about 100 rubles a year, and quite decent hosting costs about 150 rubles a month.
Step 2
Making money on a website is one big plus from a personal website. The options for generating income from a website can vary. One of the most popular and most famous ones is earnings on links. There are many link exchanges on the Internet that allow webmasters to earn money using their sites by posting links to optimizers, and they, in turn, pump their sites in this way. But to make good money on the links of one site is not enough, you will need to invest; Earning on contextual advertising is also popular. Advertising blocks are placed on a personal site, for clicks of visitors on advertising, the site owner receives money; Earnings on affiliate programs. For sites of almost any subject, you can choose an affiliate program, and receive interest on sales.
Step 3
To get more profit, it is advisable to combine several ways to make money on your website. You should know that you need to keep a balance between the fullness of the site with advertising and links and common sense. If you overdo it with such content, the site can get banned, the AGS filter and drop out of the search.
Step 4
If you do not have your knowledge in the field of generating income from the site, you will have to look for a good performer and pay for his work. The risk is that SEOs themselves often cannot guarantee the effectiveness of their strategy; excessive risk can lead to a site falling out of indexing. Another of the negative aspects of attracting an optimizer may be the performer's dishonesty. For the same reason, you should not rely on the services offered by exchanges - they can guarantee a large flow of clicker visitors, but the site will lose its position in search and, ultimately, will receive the title of HS.
Step 5
It is not only the financial benefits of owning a website that should be considered. There are options such as organizing an online store, business card site, information portal. In this case, the increase in site statistics on clickers is not targeted. Here it is important to get the target audience, consumers, this problem is solved by other methods and requires more professional optimization and high-quality service of the resource. The cost of such administration is quite high, but the costs, as well as advertising, are more than justified. You just need to find a good specialist. In the case of the opening of an information portal, the site receives the status of a local media outlet. Here we can already talk about a different kind of benefit - getting a hidden leverage of influence on public opinion. Of the difficulties - you need to find good journalists and keep your finger on the pulse of the life of the district, city, village all the time.