Pros And Cons Of Internet Communication

Pros And Cons Of Internet Communication
Pros And Cons Of Internet Communication

Today, online dating has ceased to be something incredible or indecent. More and more couples get to know each other precisely on the vastness of the world wide web, and many, even being married or married, still constantly communicate in social networks, including with the opposite sex. Internet communication, including flirting, can indeed be very useful, but at the same time fraught with many dangers.

We are looking for happiness on the Internet
We are looking for happiness on the Internet

We are secret beings

That is, when they say that we are social beings, we are talking not only about the fact that we live in a society, but rather about the fact that we simply need it.

For example, if we were to suffer the fate of Robinson Crusoe, then we would feel bad and uncomfortable not easy because we are bored, there is no one to chat with and share a bunch of bananas. And this happens because our natural biological need cannot be satisfied - to belong, to join the flock, or, more precisely, to society. Therefore, online communication gives us this sense of social belonging, even if it is virtual. For this reason, many people like to join various groups on social networks. This is especially important for people who are silent, non-companionable and unsociable.


It is extremely difficult for people to endure any changes in their lives. For example, the stressful state that is widespread today is most often associated precisely with changes in the conditions of existence. At the same time, stress is usually caused not only by bad, but even joyful events - a wedding, buying an apartment, a car, having a child, and so on. And the bad news - divorce, separation, dismissal - all the more unsettling. And therefore, at such moments, it is simply necessary to feel “the ground under your feet,” some kind of stability.

Personal freedom

If we talk about real life, then real friends and real flirting require some kind of commitment. That is, you should really meet with people, allocate time for this, go somewhere, communicate, talk, postpone other things. But online flirting gives you the opportunity to independently manage your time, which you are ready to "gift" another person. If you don't "come on a date" with a virtual fan, nothing bad will happen. In addition, the lack of time can always be explained by the lack of Wi-Fi or the low speed of the Internet. Of course, such light, non-binding conversations can be enjoyable. But on condition, if you really treat internet flirting like a game.

The danger

Carried away by flirting on the Internet, you might think that it is even more important than real life. Indeed, it is true, it seems that there is such a rich life. So many fans, hours of heart-to-heart conversations, fleeting love and serious emotions. But if you delve into this as in real life, such flirting inevitably threatens with serious disappointments. Because online dating, despite a very strong resemblance to the real world, nevertheless is not this reality. Attempts to drag people from online to a park bench also threaten to destroy pleasant illusions. Surely you know hundreds of stories when, instead of a cute, courteous blonde, with whom you have been flirting in chat for three months, an embittered rude person with a nasty voice and an appearance that bears little resemblance to the photos sent to him comes on a date.


This is an opportunity to get away from the often disturbing and unpredictable reality, when every day brings, albeit small, but problems, into the world of a beautiful illusion based on love and high feelings. And there, in this illusion, you forget about problems, worries and worries. Of course, it's not bad if you do it periodically and for a short time. But if addiction develops and you begin to devote more and more time to the virtual world at the expense of the rest of your life, the consequences can be most devastating. Women are emotional beings and they need feelings. That is why disappointment in new acquaintances on the Internet brings the same pain as in real life.

So use the network as an assistant in your work, obtaining new information about the world around you, communication and even flirting, but not at all as a "ticket to a parallel world" where you can "emigrate", forgetting about reality.
