How To Create An Elevator In Minecraft

How To Create An Elevator In Minecraft
How To Create An Elevator In Minecraft

Minecraft is a very popular game where the entire game world is made up of pixel blocks. Even the hero and terrain are made of blocks. But nevertheless, the game fell in love with many, because there are so many possibilities in it. For example, you have created a huge castle, but it takes a long time to climb the stairs to the top. Therefore, the question arises: how to create an elevator in Minecraft?

How to create an elevator in Minecraft
How to create an elevator in Minecraft

The construction of an elevator is carried out in a couple of stages. First you have to dig out a block of earth and place the platform piston in the hole. For the piston to work, it must be connected to a lever. Next, install the second piston diagonally from the first - they should touch at the corners. Place the third piston (sticky) behind the platform piston. Now install any two blocks next to the pistons. Continue to alternate blocks until you create a wall that is suitable for the future elevator. Now install two special blocks with a redstone repeater: there will be a repeater near the second piston, two blocks next to it.

Set the repeater at the maximum delay near the sticky piston, put another one behind the unit that you installed last. Now connect the repeaters from the redstone (front) to the arm. The elevator is ready! Of course, it takes some time to create an elevator, but this attractive design will help you conquer any heights in Minecraft much faster!

By the way, you can create a water elevator in Minecraft. It can be anything in height, and there can be any place for its creation. The exception is Hell, it is impossible to spill water there. To build a water elevator, you must have any blocks, plates, a bucket of water in your inventory.

First, make a U-shaped structure (height - two blocks) - this will be the entrance to the future elevator. Then convert it to a pipe. The principle of operation of a water elevator is quite simple: go inside and that's it - you will begin to float up! The gaps between the water are necessary so that the game character does not suffocate when lifting.
