Noob is an inexperienced user, a beginner. This word first began to call people who have recently mastered the Internet, advanced game lovers on the World Wide Web.

Who is a noob
With the development of Internet technologies and virtual communication, a lot of new terms have appeared. Some of them are applicable only to users of the worldwide network and in real life they are almost never used. But there are many examples when phrases and expressions from Internet forums have subsequently become firmly established in everyday reality.
Noob is one of those words. This is a colloquial concept. The word comes from the English "noob", which is derived from "newbie", which translates as "beginner". Once upon a time such people were called "teapots", "salagi", "zheltorotikami". The word "noob" has a similar meaning, but it is still a separate term. Nubs are people who have just started to study Internet technologies, have recently tried themselves in the role of online players or have begun to communicate on forums.
Such users are often called lamers, but experts claim that these are different concepts. Lamer is an inexperienced computer user, and a noob is a novice user of the Internet. Thus, not every lamer is a noob and vice versa.
According to some reports, the term "noob" began to be used by users of the game "Minecraft". So they began to call people who first tried themselves in the role of players or recently registered in the system. Fights among newcomers began to be called "noob against noob".

Nubs are often called not only beginners, but also players who are poorly versed in strategies, do not know how to work in teams and constantly make some mistakes. They often complain, do not want to play by the rules, quickly give up in virtual battles, ask for help from their comrades. They don't want to take such characters into the team if they need a good result and the goal is to win.
Distinctive features of a noob
In the process of communicating on Internet forums, exchanges, it is difficult to form the correct opinion about the people with whom you have to conduct a dialogue, or to see their single messages. Often there is nothing in common between virtual heroes and real users. Members of the forum, players, exchange workers hide their real names and photos behind nicknames and avatars. But experts assure that you can still see newcomers in the network. There are certain signs by which one can judge that a person started virtual communication recently and does not yet know all its subtleties. These signs include:
- inability to obtain any information on their own (inexperienced users often receive very strange questions, the answers to which, in the opinion of old-timers of forums and online exchanges, are obvious);
- disregard for the rules established on the resource;
- violation of game rules in online games;
- too pronounced shyness or, conversely, aggression;
- strange spelling of some words, desire to write too often in capital letters, use the original font when writing.
Nubs usually do not behave very confidently, but for some it manifests itself in excessive fawning on other community members, a desire to please everyone, and someone seeks to rivet attention to themselves through defiant behavior. But this is not always appropriate. Over time, people begin to understand and accept the rules, obediently follow them.

The inexperience of the user may be indicated by the fact that the person is not familiar with the slang of a certain forum, game, or simply with Internet slang. Beginners often do not understand what they are talking about and ask others again.
Is it worth taking offense if the network called a noob
Many people are offended when they are called noobs. It can even discourage the desire to communicate on the network, master Internet technologies. But do not take such user statements as something offensive and offensive. The word has unpleasant connotations, but it is humorous. This cannot be called an insult.
In order not to provoke other players to such statements, do not be the first to accuse others of amateurism. This even applies to those who consider themselves experienced network users, players. Hearing such a word in your address, you can somehow laugh it off or even pretend that nothing happened. Aggression in this case can only cause a new stream of emotions and there is a risk that such a nickname will be attached to the user for a long time.
If you are called a noob in real life, you can ask the interlocutor to decipher the meaning of this word. Many can't even do it. You can also calmly remind your friend that you should not confuse real life and virtual communication.
How to stop being a noob
If the user is called a noob after 1-2 months after registering on the forum or in the game, this is normal. Sometimes a person can no longer be called a beginner, but an offensive definition seems to stick to him. In order for team members in the game or other members of the forum to start taking it more seriously, you need to adhere to a number of simple rules:
- come up with a more sonorous name for your hero so that it is not associated with a child or a pet;
- do not ask team members for help if you can handle it yourself;
- do not annoy other users with primitive questions by asking them in chat windows;
- study carefully the rules of communication or play;
- do not use unjustified abbreviations when communicating (no need to write "pzhlst", "ATP" instead of "please" or "thank you");
- do not abuse question and exclamation marks, as well as capital letters;
- do not ask questions in an aggressive manner, do not express aggression towards the participants;
- do not spread spam by repeating the same phrase or request several times (if the user asked a question or asked for something, but he was not answered, you need to wait, and not duplicate your message every few minutes);
- write correctly, follow the correct placement of punctuation marks;
- do not use obscene language in the process of communication;
- do not use participation in the game or communication on the forums for personal purposes (do not try to advertise any goods in the chat or try to get acquainted).
If a person has a desire to start playing one of the popular Internet games, after registering, you need to find all the information that may be useful. You can watch training videos online, in which everything is described in sufficient detail and even examples of game fights are given. So a person will start real team games already prepared and, most likely, they will not be called a noob.
If one of your friends plays a game of interest or has been communicating on the forums for a long time, you can ask him for advice or even ask him to register together, to take some first steps in this direction.
In no case should you impersonate a famous player or even try to use someone else's name. The deception will be exposed and no one wants to see such a user on their team. As for the rules of communication on forums, there is no need to try to tell everyone about your great experience in this direction if the person is a beginner. In order not to get into an awkward position and not to be ridiculed, it is better to adhere to a wait and see tactic. After registration, you can write several messages, declare yourself, and then wait a while, paying attention to how other participants are in dialogue. Very soon, the user will understand how it is customary to communicate on this resource, what you can write about, and what it is better to keep silent about. Such reasonable and correct behavior will lead to the fact that a person will be immediately taken seriously and no one will have a desire to call him a noob.