Modern youth Internet slang can become a puzzle even for experienced web users. Of course, the meaning of many unusual expressions on forums and social networks can be understood intuitively. However, the user, unfortunately, often does not have complete confidence that he will use them appropriately in the future.

A striking feature of the Internet language is that it often uses all kinds of abbreviations, as well as familiar expressions and words in an unusual sense. The last category also includes the word "button accordion" or "boyan", which is widespread on the Web.
What does the expression mean
In most cases, in discussions on social networks and on forums, this word can be seen not in the messages themselves, but in the comments to them. Moreover, it is used most often in a negative context. The word "button accordion" can be used in different situations on the Internet:
- bearded joke or joke;
- a meme that has been walking around the Internet for several years;
- some sad story that has already appeared on many sites;
- news that everyone has known for a long time.
That is, "button accordion" on the Web is a word that expresses the dissatisfaction of users of an Internet resource with the demonstration of old information to them, which is passed off as something new and interesting.
Sometimes even relatively fresh information is called a "button accordion" on forums on the Internet. This may be, for example, an anecdote that appeared only on the Web a few days ago. But users do this only if they have already heard this anecdote somewhere.
The very person who presented outdated information at the forum may be called a "accordion player" by the participants in the dialogue. Reposts, that is, copying anecdotes, memes and stories from one source to another, and especially with the indication of links, in most cases is not considered a "button accordion". Internet users can also call very old information "accordion".
Another meaning
Most often, the word "button accordion" on the Internet, therefore, denotes a bearded anecdote or an old joke. But sometimes it is used in forums and chats and in a slightly different context.
Netizens can use this slang expression in response to messages that carry any new information for them personally, but describe events that have occurred a long time ago. For instance:
- Hi, I heard that Zhenya is pregnant - in her fourth month.
- Bayan!
Where did the expression come from
There are several versions of the origin of the word "button accordion" in the meaning of outdated information. Today it is used in many forums, blogs and chat rooms. But the first to start using it were the regulars of the Automotive News website.
An old anecdote about how "they buried their mother-in-law and broke three button accordions" was published by users on the forum of this resource so often that in the end they even began to get banned for it. As a result, the expression "button accordion" on this site has acquired the meaning of well-known to all, set the teeth on edge, and become boring information.
Since the forum is very popular among the people and is visited by millions of users, the new slang word was soon picked up by many and spread all over the Internet. It is believed that the impetus for this expression was given, among other things, by the popular host of the show "+100500" Max +100500, using it once in his dialogue on the air.
A similar situation was repeated with many other well-known anecdotes - about a bear and a car, a grandfather and an egg, etc. They were also very often published many times on popular forums. However, only the word "button accordion" eventually stuck as a slang term.
For some time on the Internet the word "canada" was used in the same sense as "button accordion". The reason for this was the endlessly repeating story on the Internet about a Canadian emigrant about deer, snow and parking lots. However, this word, in contrast to "button accordion", has not become too popular among the regulars of the forums. Today, only occasionally some Internet users use the expression "canazz button accordion".
Another version of the origin
There is another fairly popular version about the origin of this slang word. Some bloggers believe that "button accordion" is just an abbreviation for the expression "it was, but I did not know", used in an ironic context. Of course, the version about the site Automotive News looks more believable. But abbreviations in Internet slang are also found, as already mentioned, quite often.
Obsolete musical instrument
Of course, it is hardly worth looking for the roots of the slang word "button accordion" in ancient Russian history. But it could become popular among Internet users, among other things, because of associations with such a character as the storyteller Bayan.
It was in honor of this ancient Russian singer that a popular musical instrument with furs was once named. Hence the old expression "bayat" in the meaning of "to speak", "to tell" also originated.
The word "bayat" is of course outdated. The same can be said about the accordion musical instrument. The Internet replica "button accordion", as we found out, always sounds scornfully and mockingly in relation to something already outdated.
Another "Bayan" on the Internet
In most cases on the Web, the word "button accordion" refers specifically to outdated information. But there is another rather well-known and popular "BaYan" on the Web. This is the name of one of the target marketing tools of the popular Yandex search engine. This sophisticated, state-of-the-art program allows small and medium-sized businesses to effectively allocate advertising costs.
How to use the expression
Using Internet slang on the Web, as in any other place, of course, must be correct. This will ensure that the initiator of the dialogue will be understood by its other participants. The ability to communicate competently, including online, is certainly a sign of education and good manners.
The word "button accordion" is used, of course, most often on the Web at various kinds of thematic forums. That being said, there are several rules on how to use this common expression. Firstly, if someone in the topic has already written that the information that has appeared on the forum is a "button accordion", of course, one should not repeat it.
Topics on such resources rise to the top depending on the number of user posts. And of course, the information provided to readers should always be fresh and new. Otherwise, the repeated message about the "button accordion" can also become the same "button accordion".
Secondly, the user who finds out that the joke, meme or story presented by the topic starter is outdated, after writing the word "button accordion", he needs to present convincing evidence of this.
It would be best to provide other participants in the dialogue with a link to the topic that contains the same information. At the same time, it is not necessary to consider the accordion messages that appeared on the forum no later than three days before a similar topic.